Friday, August 8, 2008

Narrow? You Bet!

Running the Internet today visiting some of the usual sites, I find that there is a division in the body of Christ.
One group holds fast to the text of Scripture. The live under the mandate that God does not change (Malachi 3:6). They believe that the Word of God is the means to hear God, and that all we need is found in the Word. They believe that God sent the promised Holy Spirit to be our guide that would lead us into all truth. I think we miss that word sometimes. We glide over it. We move past it quickly since it is such a small word. "ALL" truth.
The other group in this rift loves God.
They love to worship and join together as a community of believers and sing to the heavens with one voice. No one would doubt their passion and commitment to worship. But what I have seen is that they have no sound theology. Everything is open for discussion and acceptance. They speak of levels of anointing that God wants to send. They speak of "destiny" and "inheritance." They paint a picture of a better life just out of reach of the "everyday" believer.
There is probably enough wrong with each group to write a blog a mile long. In fact, I'm not sure if I qualify to even write this account. All I know is that there is something wrong in the Body of Christ today. We have become a self-centered group of people whose personal needs exceed the call of the Kingdom. It's almost as if we are telling God, "Hey...when you bless me enough, then I will go for you better take me to the next level." How warped is that thinking. Do you not realize that the next level (if such a thing exists) would consist of more hardship and more persecution. You won't hear those spoken of from many pulpits. The next level would cost you even more than you are prepared to give.
In Matthew 20 we read of the mother of Zebedee coming to Jesus asking Him to grant here sons "Special" seats in the Kingdom. You know......right up there next to Jesus. Center stage and in the spotlight. The inner circle.
Jesus replies, "you don't know what you are asking. Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?"
Mama's boys replied, "We sure can".
Jesus said, "You will indeed drink from my cup."
Now this would have given me pause for thought. "drink from his cup? His experiences?"

Sometimes we cry out to God for things that sound good on the surface, yet we are totally ignorant of what we are asking for. I remember talking with a young man who said, "You know, I want to die for Jesus. Go to another country spreading the gospel and give my life for my savior." The more he spoke, the more you could tell that it was all about him and whatever glory might come of this death he was eager to embrace. I told him, "you know...dying for Jesus is easy. It's living for him that is hard."
Maybe that is what this is about.
Fulfilling our call where we have been planted.
Becoming students of His Word.
Following by the Spirit of God.
In faith, live life on His terms.
Loving all.
Serving daily.
My life as worship to Him.
God on you.......


Lane said...

Great post... I sometimes wonder if we are reading 'different versions' of the Scripture. Granted, a 'powerless' Gospel deducted from words seems to limit experience...yet 'all experience' can take you far away from 'The Faith'. I strongly recommend J.P. Moreland's Kingdom Triangle -- he talks abouth the need for good Christian minds, intimacy with Christ and a need for power. I love how Tozer views this 'dilemma' in The Pursuit of God' and The Divine Conquest. The God of the Bible can be known and correctly known about...

molsdad said...

... playing marbles with diamonds?


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