Tuesday, October 21, 2008

John Wimber

Here is my spiritual poppa.
I never met the man.
never shook his hand and told him what he meant to me...but his teachings and his honesty changed my life.

When I first entered the ministry, I was blessed to have at my disposal hundreds upon hundreds of his teachings on cassette (remember those?) I spent hours listening and cross referencing what I was being taught. I took notes and I digested what John was teaching. Basically, that was my seminary. It's not that I am Bible smart or an expert, I am simply a man who was shown the simplicity of devotion to Jesus. This is the message that I want to pass on to others. To make disciples so they can go out and make disciples.
Enjoy the video.
I do miss this man....



Bobby said...

Thanks for posting this video of John Wimber, you made my day! I remember those cassette tapes ... it took several years for me to understand just how much impact John's ministry had on me.

Thanks Mb!

Lane said...

You, like Wimber, have impacted/are impacting numerous lives, inlcuding my own ... we should be grateful for our spiritual fathers and study their lives. A.W.Tozer, Keith Green and C.S. Lewis will always be constant companions and I, too, feel the tug of my heart with each of these -- because of what they planted. (By the way, I'm also grateful we do not belong to a 'cassette-only' Church!!)


Listening to Keith Green this morning as he sings "How Majestic Is Your Name". I had to  ask myself, "Do I truly unerstnd the...