Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What's the rush?

This isn't going to be one of the posts that harken back to the proverbial "good ol' days".
But it is about waking up to some simple truth.
Ask yourself......
"Am I driving life.......or is life driving me?"
Do I walk in the peace of God or the turmoil of our society?
I struggle with this all the time.
A call from someone who needs a speaker for a meeting.
A letter from someone wanting you to write a letter or call someone on their behalf.
Friends and family planning things.
Me planning things that I want to do....
Life moving all around me.
When I stop to catch my thought is, "O God....where are you?"
I don't want my thoughts and my heart become so cluttered that I have pushed God off to the side only for emergencies.
I have him encased in a little glass box mounted on the wall with the words "Break glass in case of emergency."
I have to remember that his concern is not all the busy-ness or the agenda of the world.
His concern is my heart and whether or not I am committed to Him.
In my commitment, I will walk in his pace and in his place that he determines for me.
I need to remember this.
God on you today........

1 comment:

Bobby said...

Yes I do agree! It's time to slow down. In my case I was forced to slow down because my work schedule at the plant has been cut back...God has his way of slowing us down.


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