Friday, December 11, 2009

Count The Cost

We are called to make a decision for Christ. Pastors will stand at the edge of the platform while the choir sings "Softly and Tenderly". "Come forward and ask Jesus into your heart."
No man ever decided for Christ, unless Christ had first decided on the man.
He chooses us.
He calls us.
A very simple call......"Follow me."
Ours is a very simple reply......"Yes, Lord."
Some hastily come forward without considering the cost of following this Jesus. I think that may be the reason so many fall away from the faith. They acted on emotion or intellect rather than accepting a call from the Holy Spirit. The first sign of trouble or temptation comes and they are so easily swayed to return to their old lifestyle, casting aside their "salvation" in order to be free from what they perceive to be the constraints of religion. How wrong they are.
In Christ, I am liberated to live life to its fullest. To live life the way I ought to, not the way I want to.
To spend hours studying the Word of God and sitting silent waiting for God to speak. To tell my story over and over as God adds to it every day. A verse here, an encounter there, a healing here. IT all adds up to a life spend for Him. What better way to spend yourself than on the Kingdom of God.
Food for thought
Merry Christmas...

1 comment:

Bobby said...

Keep preaching the truth about the Kingdom!


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