Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Off Centered....

New template for the blog...
The blog keeps changing as a reflection of how life truly is.
Life is change.
Real life is found in "hearing" and "following" God in the middle of the change.
How quick do we hear?
How quick do we adapt our plans to fit his plans?
If you notice the header of this blog, you'll see that it is off center.
To some it will bother them and they may even comment,"Hey! why don't you center the title of the blog?"
Truth be known.....
I did it for a reason....
My life is never to be centered on the things of the world.
I am always off kilter so to speak.
I never quiet fit in with what the world wants or expects.
Because the world is not my home.
In fact the apostle Paul stated that the world was dead to him and he was dead to the world.
So, when the world looks at me, I appear to be off centered.
I appear to be out of step.
I don't operate like the world.
I'm an alien only passing through
(No! I'm not green and I don't know Agents Mulder and Scully)
This world is not my home.
Heaven is.
The dictates and directions of my heavenly Father will
never fit the ways of this world.
There will always be this oil and water relationship going on
between me and the world.
For my time here on this planet,
I want to tell as many about this God I have been rescued by.
I want to tell them the truth.
I want them to understand that "Stuff" happens to us while we live here on
this planet.
And "Stuff" can happen whether you are following God or living for the world.
IT isn't the fact that good and bad happens to every one
that is a given.
The real difference is found in the ability to cope and move on.
You can do so in your own intellect and strength....
you can allow the real-deal God to be the center of every decision that you
need to make.
I have found the value of living for and
chasing after God.
the WAY is unlike anything I have ever known.
What WAY?
He said that he was the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE.
Think on these things and allow God's Holy Spirit
to touch you.
To whisper to your heart and awaken something deep and older than this world...
The eternal truth that does not change.
It is the adventure of a lifetime....
Following this Jesus!

God on you......

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