Thursday, October 28, 2010

Step # 10 Of Twelve Step Program

Step # 10
We continue to take personal inventory, and when we are wrong, promptly admit it.

Key Concept
I can understand that I am forgiven, accepted, loved and totally secure because of Christ.

Coming from the place of having surrendered will and life over to the care of God, we begin to learn daily a new way of doing business with the world. Although God does not condemn his children, we will struggle from time to time with the destructive power of condemnation. We will do so until we learn that we no longer have to fear judgment from God.

The Holy Spirit, at work in us, wants us to be convinced and assured that God has forgiven us, accepts us, loves us, and makes us totally secure because of Christ. God's Holy Spirit faithfully makes us aware of any behavior that does not reflect the character of Christ.

How Guilt Affects Us

Basic Focus - Guilt focuses on self-condemnation. We believe, "I am unworthy."

Primary Concern - Guilt deals with the sinner's loss of self esteem and wounded self-pride. We think, "What will others think of me?"

Primary Fear - Guilt porduces a fear of punishment. We believe, "Now I'm going to get it!"

Behavioral Results - Guilt leads to depression and more sin. We think, "I am just a low-down, dirty, rotten person." Or it lead to rebellion. We believe, "I don't care. I'm going to do whatever I want to do."

Remedy - The rememdy for guilt is to remember that if you have repented of your sin, Christ has forgiven you and remembers your sin no more.

How cool is that?
God......the real deal God we read about in Scripture...........forgives you and then forgets what you have done. "How does He do that?" You may be asking. Well, He can do it because He chooses to forget. To not remember. To not keep record of it but instead, love you.

A Declaration
Father, I affirm that I am deeply loved by You, fully pleasing to You, and totally accepted in Your sight.
You have made me complete and have given me the righteousness of Christ, even though my
performance often falls short.
Lord, I confess my sins to you--(List them, be specific)
I agree with You that theses are wrong.
Thank You for forgiving me for these sins. Do I need to return anyhting,
repay anyone, or apologize to anyone in order to fully make amends?
Give me the courage to take these steps.
In Jesus name...

God on you.......... mb

Today's teaching was taken from the workbook- Conquering Chemical Dependency

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