Monday, April 30, 2012

Ain't No Such Thing As A Pre-fab Church!

Matthew 16:18
.........upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers (gates) of hell will not conquer it.

What a wonderful Sunday monring.
I was invited to speak at Grace Covenant Church in Hokes Bluff. What wonderful people call this church home. Very intimate and loving group who were there this morning. They have been meeting for two years and have, as a church, adopted the guys from Rapha as well as the Fellowship House group.

As I stood and spoke this morning, gazing out at the congreation, I was filled with a sense of God's diversity in churches. Each one different. Each one with a unique call and purpose. Here we had in Grace Covenant, a family that was open to receive anyone who came to visit. Receive them and love them and show (not just tell about) the love of God.

We should celebrate the body of Christ.
We should look out and see it for what it truly is. Each one, called by God, placed and given a mandate to follow.
Unlike the mega-church mentality, small fellowships really do become family. You get to know the people who come each Sunday, as well as be known by them. It isn't a place to come and hide out among thousands of others. It is a gathering that takes on "ways" of doing church that are very creative and yet, still usher in the Father heart of God.

This morning what I experienced was a group of believers who enjoyed being together. They enjoyed worshipping God in their music and through their offerings. I saw a group of people whose intent was to make you feel at home and welcomed if you were a visitor. I think maybe this is what the body of Christ shoud be about.

If you were to drive by their building, you might not even take notice of it. It would be easy to slip by and miss it completely. Isn't that the way it is with our society? We judge the outside at the expense of the inside. We look upon the structure and miss seeing all the life inside. God forigve me if I ever operate in this manner. Letting myself become shallow and judgemental by looking only on the surface.

I was in the presence of God this morning. Sharing a service with a group of people who were not trying to build a church. They recognize that Jesus is the builder of the church. He doesn't use mortar or brick. He isn't concerned with dry wall or roofing shingles. He is intent on building the character of those who are a part of the church family. His church is alive and breathing and moving and praying and loving in the places He has put them. They seek to take care of their corner of the Kingdom of God that has been entrusted to them. That is how Jesus builds His church.

In the verse from Matthew 16, Jesus makes the statement that He would build His church upon THIS rock. What rock?
The rock of delcaration that He is the Christ.......The Son of the living God.
Anything other than that incredible fact, does a church build.
A social setting? Maybe.
A collective of individuals who have religious behaviors?
Could be.
But the church of Jesus.....the one He is building, is done so upon the infallible truth that He is the Christ. He is the Messiah. He is the Son of the living God.
That makes for a good church....
One I would like to belong to.

God on you.....


aoimgary said...

Good stuff, praise God

Greene Street Letters said...

It's God's agenda and plans, not mine.
It's His church....not mine.
WE are His people, I don't own or possess any of them...
Time to be who God created us to be....

aoimgary said...

I firmly believe that God created each one of us for specific purposes and that He wants to let us know what those purposes are. But our lives are hidden in Christ, so if we do not seek His face, His will, His advice, then we will be no different from unbelievers that run around guessing about what they should be doing with their lives. We have to start by renewing our minds with His written word and never stop learning from it, because it is our anchor that will keep us from drifting away from His perfect will, when Satan and his demons try to confuse us and entice us to do things that are not scriptural.


Listening to Keith Green this morning as he sings "How Majestic Is Your Name". I had to  ask myself, "Do I truly unerstnd the...