Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Every Step I Take, I Take In You, Jesus

Psalm 150:6
Let everything that has breath, praise the LORD.
Praise the LORD!

I was created to worship. It is in my spiritual DNA. I am an instrument of worship. Every act I perform....every deed that I carry out....every word I say....every thought I to be worship unto the God who created me.
Sounds out there doesn't it.
It is the truth.
Even as some read this, they see those words through a religious lens. This has nothing to do with religion, and every thing to do with relationship.
I want to express my love for God, to God. I want Him to know that I am grateful that he created me. Grateful that He has given me a second chance at life. Grateful that He has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams. My entire being is an instrument of worship unto God.

Worship isn't about emotion, although my emotions are stirred when I worship.
Worship isn't about feelings, although there are times of ecstasy when I get lost in worship.
Worship is about the heart.
Worship takes place when the day is good....the sun is shinning brightly and all seems to be going well in your life.
Worship takes place when that good day goes South and the wheels come off every thing you are attempting.

I confess to you that Job isn't my most favorite book of the Bible, but there are some great truth's found in that book.
Lets take a look at what happened.
1.) Raiders came and stole Job's livestock. Oh yeah, they killed all the servants who were taking care of them.
2.) Fire came down from the sky and burned up the sheep. Once again, the servants were killed. (You know, old Job might have had a bad time replacing those servants. Word got out about how they died.)
3.) The Chaldeans formed three raiding parties and came down to take away Job's camels. Oh, and one other thing..............the servants were killed.
4.) A great wind came up and began to blow. It destroyed the house where your sons and daughters were partying.
I think all of this qualifies as a terrible, no good, very bad day.
Notice what Verse 20 of Job chapter 1 says:
....Then Job arose, tore his robe, and shaved his head. And he fell to the ground and worshiped.

I don't think there were any upbeat songs found in Job's worship that day. I don't think Job clapped his hands and jumped around laughing. I think these events uncovered the very heart of a man...a man who didn't understand what was going on. Didn't understand why it happened. In the midst of all the pain and grief, the true nature of this man, Job, was brought to the surface. He was a man who loved God. A man who trusted God in every situation.

You see, it isn't about the feel-good times we have when we worship at Celebrate Recovery. It isn't about the corporate times of worship in our churches. It is about the everyday, walk it out, times of worship when our lives become the song. When our tears are the notes to the music. When our very breath is the sound of a God-created instrument. An instrument whose soul purpose is to proclaim the greatness of God to a world that is lost and going to hell.

So when people look at your life....
When they listen to your words....
What song do they hear?
What worship do they see?
The music of this world?
or the sound of heaven come down?

God on you....

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