Sunday, June 16, 2013

Romans 1:4

I know..I know...I'm late.
Lot's of reasons why...but none that I'll divulge at this point in time.

But a good kind of way, in the book of Romans.
Romans has always been an intimidating book to me....
Theological impresive....
Even from an intellectual, academic standpoint, it stands as one of the greatest writings about the state of man and his relationship with God.
In my case, I have to remember to keep the main thing the main thing.
Even in the book of Romans.

Verse 4 speaks of Jesus being declared to be the Son of God with Power..
God's story is one that is defined by the demonstration of power.
From the beginning of creation until this present day, it is like the air we breathe. His power is all around work in us.....drawing us and wooing us to live in him. If you want to think about it...we are declared His children through the power at work in our own personal lives. Not that we work for it, nor do we live for it, but rather it is a by product of living for Christ.

I want to thank Barry, Deb, Wayne, Debbie, Jason and Angela for taking care of Saturday's meeting while Vicki and I were out of town. You guys are the best.

I know that this is a short posting, but I'm having trouble with my internet access. Hopefully this will be straightened out shortly.
Until tomorrow...
God on you.....


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