Saturday, June 6, 2015

What A God!

Malachi 3:6
"For I am the LORD, I do not change........."

Among the god's of this age, there can only be
one who is true...
One who is real....
And One that we were created by.
What manner of God is He?
A God that is lofty and above the thoughts and ideas
of man...
Yet, at the same time, a God who is not beyond
bending His knee and reaching down to His creation..

A God whose attention and purpose IS the
redemption, reclamation, and salvation
of a people who turned their back on Him.

A God who has endured rejection...
Hearing His Holy name be reduced to a curse word...
Hatred for who He is and for what He stands for..
A God who has been misunderstood for centuries...
And yet...
Through all this...
His love for us has never wavered.

While the devil continues to create new ways
to reject this God...
God never wavers in His love.
He is not double minded...
nor is He stingy in His blessings.
His will is that none of His creation should perish...
Or die outside His grace and covering...
But among His creation, He gave "will".

God is not short on His on-going call for all to be saved.
The message is ever going out to those who stand
outside His offer to be saved from the penalty of sin...
To be free from the power of sin...
And to be directed away through the work of His Holy Spirit
from the presence of Sin.

What manner of God is this?
He desires to not only introduce Himself to you..
But to engage in an ongoing relationship...
All the while breaking down old thoughts and wrong concepts
of who He is.

He is worthy to be sought...
He is worthy to give ourselves completely over to His care...
He is worthy...
That's my God.

God on you...

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