Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Wednesday Ramblings

Psalm 107:1-2
Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord say "SO!" Whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy.

Good morning to you all....
Lot's is going on all around me, as I sit here trying to sort through all the stories and events that have been shared with me over the past week. Thought I'd simply put out some prayer request and a few praise reports.

I got a call from Mike Kelton last night concerning his sister, Judy. She had been having heart issues and the doctors wanted to do a heart cath to assess the situation. They were not the most encouraging group, telling Judy that she had major blockage and might have to have surgery to correct it. Well, Mike, who is a regular on Saturday night, shared this with us and received prayer for healing on Judy's behalf. The procedure kept being postponed, but at the same time, the doctors were telling her that time was important and she did not need to put off having the procedure done. We kept praying. Last night Mike called me to let me know that when the doctors did the heart cath, there wasn't any blockage at all. Hmmmm....I wonder what happened. So I guess I'll take Psalm 107:2 at face value where it says, "let the redeemed of the Lord say so."   SO!!!!!

Brandon and Jessica Waller contacted me concerning their baby daughter, Bonnie Rae. She is in the hospital after having a rough weekend. Please pray for her and for the family. Brandon's job takes him out of town during the week, so he is not able to be there with Jessica and Bonnie. Jessica is having to shoulder the load, so to speak, as well as take care of the rest of the family. Strength to Brandon and Jessica....healing to Bonnie her body....we pray this in the name of Jesus...Amen.....

There are several I know who have returned to old ways, old thoughts, and old places. The reason doesn't matter, as we can play should-a, would-a, could-a till the cows come home. Pray that God will break through the hardness of heart...the blindness of their spiritual eyes and deafness of their spiritual ears, that they might be awakened to the truth of God. Pray protection that God would stand angels around them to stay off the enemy from laying claim to their very soul.

we read in Psalm 107:10-11 and 13-- Those who sat in darkness and in the shadow of death, bound in affliction and irons because they rebelled against the words of God, and despised the counsel of the Most High.They cried out to the Lord in their trouble and He saved them out of their distress. You know me....I'm just crazy enough to believe that God is still in the "saving / redeeming" business.

I'll be speaking this weekend at Seth Barber's meeting @ Catalyst Recovery. Come out and join us, as we gather together to see what God wants to do that night.
Meal @ 5:30 p.m.

Large group @ 6:30 p.m. /  followed by small group. Great way to spend a Sunday night as well as setting the tone for the coming week.  I guess I'll wrap this posting up. Think the coffee's finished and there is a cup with my name on it waiting to be consumed.

God on you...


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