Saturday, December 13, 2008

Be A Berean

Acts 17:11
These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.

Love of God's Word is tied to our love for Him.
The desire to not just read but to hear Him speak through the pages of the Bible.
To communicate to us the understanding we need in order to walk out this relationship we have been called to.
Today, so many teach that you only have to have the Holy Spirit dwelling in you to live for God.
But the Holy Spirit is there to guide us into all truth and the only place we find pure, unadulterated truth is in the word of God.

It has become vogue to discount the Word for the experience.
The Word is so dry and dull.
It is these things to a heart follows the ideas of man rather than the precepts of Scripture.
You can accuse me of being a Pharisee or of being very legalistic, but you cannot separate the need for the study of God's word to aid in the life of a believer.

We excuse our way out of reading the Bible.
"I don't take in information by reading, I am more visual."
First off, you not taking in information.
You are feasting on the visible communication of God to His children.
It is there to change you.
It is there to warn you.
It is there to encourage you.
Psalm 119:130 reads: The unfolding of Your word brings light and understanding to the simple.

No wonder the maturity of the church is woefully lacking.
We want to remain a spiritual kindergarten rather than grow up to pick up the mantle to go out into the world and live for Jesus.

What can be done?
Ask God to create in your heart the desire to study and read and digest the Bible.
That what you read would become real life.
You might be surprised as God takes you up on your prayer.

God on you.......
Merry Christmas.......


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