Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Rope's End

Matthew 5:3 (Message Bible)
"You're blessed when you're at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule."

Scary place to be...end of the rope.
The end of the rope could be accompanied by the sound of a cell door slamming shut...
The end of the rope could be the bitter cold of having to sleep outside because you have no where else to go.

The end of the rope could feel like hunger pangs in your stomach because you haven't eaten in days.
The end of the rope may be the feel of handcuffs and that sickening "clicking" sound they make when placed upon your wrists.
The end of the rope may be that incredibly dark thought that maybe death is the way out. Why not end it?
The end of the rope is that depressive desolation that has been brought forth in every area of your life....
Family doesn't want you...
Friends are nonexistent....

Police and judges are tired of fooling with you....
Even your dealer is tired of seeing you because you never have any're always trying to "mooch" off of him to get what you need.

When such a place as "the end of the rope" is reached, and there is no where else to turn...
No more scams...
No more lies...

It is there you will find Jesus.
You'll find Him waiting patiently for you.
He has been with you all along, but you weren't ready to listen to what He had to say.
You weren't ready for the offer of salvation He was wanting to extend to you.

To offer to you....

And about a trillion-billion other eternal gifts that He wishes to lavish on you.

Oh, life is still out there waiting for you to face it head on...
Living by your old ways, your first inclination would be to cut and run...go get high.
But this time it will be different.

Jesus won't be there waiting...
His Holy Spirit will be living inside of you, when you surrender will and life over to His care.

Life will still rush at you head long, but you won't have to run. You can stand and navigate your way through it.
Somehow being at the end of our ropes doesn't sound that bad does it?
May you reach yours today...Jesus is there waiting.

Luke 6
"You're blessed when you've lost it all...God's kingdom is there for the finding..
You're blessed when you're ravenously hungry...then You're ready for the Messianic meal...

You're blessed when the tears flow freely....for joy comes in the morning."

God on you...

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