Thursday, June 5, 2008

First Stone In Place

"And on this rock I will build My church"...Matthew 16:18
Every kingdom work begins with the foundational stone or belief that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. The Christ...........the chosen one by the Father sent to be the propitiation for our sins. The Christ........the anointed one chosen to stand in for humanity and carry upon himself the full weight and punishment for all sin for all time. The Son of the living God..........Son not by birth or lineage, but Son by position. Second part of the Trinity.........Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Upon this simple truth will be erected a living temple made of people who have been brought under the atoning work and blood of Jesus.
My aim is to let God build his church at Rapha. I dare not have a say so in the process. Mine is only to do and obey. I desire not to implement anything that would detract from God is wanting to do. A page has truly turned in this journey he has called Vicki and I to. Even though that chapel has sat on the property at Rapha for a number of years, after last Saturday night, it has taken on new meaning. It is the altar now on which we will climb and become living sacrifices. A place where God's stones will gather and proclaim his majesty and greatness.
We have all talked about last Saturday evening and the affect it had on us. But last Saturday was not the high water mark of what God is wanting to do. That will come when we begin to see the harvest in the lives of people. I know that each person who comes to the meeting will come for various reasons, but ultimately, I want us all to meet God. To spend time in his presence as a community of believers and be changed forever.
See you Saturday night....7 p.m.
God on you........

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