Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Confession Pt. 1

Because of Christ's redemption, I am a new creation of infinite worth.

My identity.
I did not give to myself. I lay no claim as to being the author of it.
I state it as a simple fact.
Because of Christ's redemption.
Because of the work of Christ, He has brought deliverance to me through His death from the guilt and power of sin.

Me responding to His call to relationship, puts me in the place of being reborn.
This new birth gives me a new identity.
One that He sees even when I don't.
A new creation of infinite worth.
What an amazing thought, especially when I walk around with the "I'm-not-worthy-" blues.
I'm sure God chuckles at this attitude.
"Of course you're not worthy. That is why I sent my Son to die in your place."
I am grateful that God sees a worth that is not comprehended by human eyes.
I am grateful.


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