Thursday, March 26, 2009


Most everyone I know has an opinion or belief about who or what God is.
It ranges from God being someone who created and set everything in motion and now sits back to watch it unwind, to a loving, benevolent Father who want to interact with His creation.
During my breakfast yesterday, Jim brought up a question of how do we truly understand each part of the God-head. How do I view God the Father, or Jesus the son and how do I understand the Holy Spirit and His role in all of this plan that seems to come from the His hand? The thought that came to me was that we tend to base our views on God by what has or has not happened to us as individuals. I hear a lot of bitterness and anger directed toward God by those whose lives have turned out on the dark side. Even though these were choices that the individual made, there is much anger toward God because God didn't stop them from making these bad choices. Anger that God did step in and turn them from the destruction that came to them.
To me the entire package of relationship with God is summed up in the words Jesus spoke in Matthew 16:15----"Who do you say I am?" It's more than words or thoughts or ideas that I may have......but rather the evidence in my life by the way I live it that truly defines who Jesus is to me. I can't prove this but somehow I think that question still resonates in the hearts of every one who claims to follow Jesus. Every morning when I wake up, that question is put to me...."Who do you say I am today?" Is He truly my Lord and Savior or is He someone I merely give a nod of the head too as if acknowledge His presence as I go about my business the way I see fit rather than following Him?
Simon Peter, God bless Him, opened his mouth and made the greatest proclamation ever...."You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God," and with that laid the foundation for a people that had not existed before to be brought into life. Jesus continues to build upon that statement as people are added daily to the family or community of God. We call it the church, but that name sounds so fixed and static. Church should reflect the fluidity of life as the people of God bring the Kingdom to dark places and dark lives.
God on you....



Well said....

Greene Street Letters said...

I guess the one thing God has called me to is
(1.) Keep it simple
(2.) Introduce people to Him...

Bobby said...

We're sinners in need of a Savior. If we really understood the horror of sin we wouldn't ask God...Why me? We see who God is in the Bible but so many have a distorted view of Him. It seems we try to create a god in our own image....God is love and that love is meant to be experienced.


Listening to Keith Green this morning as he sings "How Majestic Is Your Name". I had to  ask myself, "Do I truly unerstnd the...