Monday, March 30, 2009

Starting Point

After each class at Rapha we say our declaration.
It's more than just words.
It's more than cliche'.
It is, and can be, truth to someone who has lost their way. Someone who has tried several other path's that all lead to the same outcome. A life of destruction.
The very first phrase of this declaration is this:
"Because of Christ's Redemption"
Who we are is found in what was done. Who we are is found in the person of Jesus Christ.
Through the act of one, his death on the cross, Jesus unlocked the mystery of the identity of countless souls. That is, their state and position in the Kingdom of God. It begins with the work of Jesus upon the cross. I really hate using that term "work" but it seems to roll off easily from the tongue. If the cross is work then I've never worked a day in my life. All truth begins with "Christ's redemption." It is the starting point. It is Go on monopoly if you want to move around the board. Without the redemption we are doomed to sit by and watch the game be played out, never able to participate.
It's not that we stumble upon and discover this hidden thing, redemption. No! We are lead to it. The Holy Spirit breaks the heart so that spiritually it can hear. In the ability to hear is found the strength to realize there is something greater and better than the life we are currently living. In this new found strength (which is His strength) we make the decision to seek out this life. It comes through repentance and confession and turning and all manner of things that we may not have language for at that moment. All we are aware of is that something greater than ourselves is working in us.
It all began with "Because of Christ's Redemption".......
God on you.....

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