Monday, June 15, 2009

One Thing I Know

I would love to be someone who was proficient in the theology of the Scripture. Someone like John Piper or John MacArthur. Maybe a Charles Stanley or even a John Wimber. Someone who could debate the intellectual side of Christianity and the doctrine of the church. I am not such a person. I find myself and the calling God has given to me to be best summed up in the answer the blind man gave to the religious rulers in John 9:25.
"One thing I know.........though I was blind..........NOW I SEE!"
Very simple.
The man's lot in life was changed drastically by the hand of Christ.
He couldn't explain the whys.
He just knew the outcome was more than he could ever have dreamed of or thought up in his own mind.
I am the same way.
This Jesus came to me and turned my life upside down at the age of 13.
I knew that He wanted me to be a preacher.
Yet, I knew that I never could do this. I had to many excuses and reasons to even hope that God could use me. So......I ran.
For 34 years I ran.
I ran to different jobs. Different towns, towing my family with me.
Finally God spoke and began to put the pieces in place once I stopped and said, "yes." But even then, I didn't realize it was the pieces that would lead me to be a pastor.
My life over the last 15 years has been an incredible roller coaster as God has shown time and time again His favor and grace. Like the former blind man in John 9, I can't explain how it happened. I just knew my life was one way and now it isn't. Jesus is the reason for the change.
That is why my message is simple.
Just Jesus.
He can take away your sins.
He can break the power sin has over you.
His death and resurrection has provided a spiritual door to walk through into a living, changing, wonderful relationship with God.
How do I know.....?
Once I was lost....
But now I am found.
Was blind.
But now I see.

Find out the truth of this Jesus for yourself.
IF you have any questions, feel free to email me at
I'd love to hear from you.

God on you.....


Bobby said...

We NEED lots of people like you as pastors!!

Greene Street Letters said...

You are kind and I receive those words.
blessing on you and your family Bobby Sparks


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