Friday, September 9, 2011

Where Are The Tears? Part II

Crying Again
by: Mark Heard

The headlines in the dailies are the horses in a race.
They lead you to believe that life and death are common place.

I haven't been able to shake this line from my thoughts.
That the message of the world is that life and death are common place.
Nothing else.
You live.
You die.
When a person buys into this belief, then they spend their lives simply trying to find pleasure.
Their live becomes a series of events, encounters that seek only to live for today.
I fear that the common place has become the mantra for the masses today.

That is why I will proclaim Jesus!
To awaken those who cannot see beyond the common place
Lift your vision a little higher. See the goodness and invitation from God.
Don't let the common place rob you of hope.
Not hope in becoming lucky or winning the lottery,
but hope of higher calling.

Hope that drives a leper to risk it all to be near Jesus.
Hope that looks into an empty purse, all funds being spent on doctors and treatments,
but now the only thing left is to turn to Jesus.

Hope that looks at the common place and says, " daughter isn't dead....Jesus can raise her."
Hope that looks beyond a drug or a drink.
For drugs and drink are the purveyors of the common place.
They ring loud and long with the message, "Why not give in? There is nothing to really live for!"
But the ring and voice of drug and drink does so with a dissonant sound.
One that simply will not set well with the spirit that lives in you.
The spirit that is you.
For that spirit was placed in you by Almighty God and it is with this spirit that His Spirit will come
and lift you out of the common place into new life.

How easy it is to accept the common place.
It requires no more effort than simply giving up.
Not looking or searching for anything better because the lie tells you there isn't any thing else.
Praise God! That Jesus shattered the common place with three simple words.....
The common place was defeated on a hill top outside of Jerusalem.
On a cross, the common place was ripped open and the goodness of heaven and life with God poured forth to any who would receive it.
Jesus had been lifted up and, just as He proclaimed in Scripture, He drew humanity unto himself.
No longer would the common place rule.
The Kingdom of God was now at hand.
It is here...
But it isn't yet.
Strange words?
Not really.

We seen evidence of the Kingdom of God around us and in us.
We see people being saved.
We see people being healed.
We see people coming unto Jesus.
But we don't see death eradicated.
We don't see pain removed.
These things will be eliminated when The Kingdom comes in fullness.
But for today...
I do not have to accept...
I do not have to live in...
The common place.

God on you....

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