Before you get into the heart of this posting, you need to realize that I am not an angry man or one of those people (it's always "those People" that are the problem isn't it?) who are anti technology. In other words, I'm not against gadgets and widgets. At the same time, my life is pretty simple so I really don't feel the need for gadgets. I have a phone, but I use it ..........(Gasp!) as a phone. Nothing more.
I don't do texts...
I don't play games....
I don't download mp3's onto my phone.
I call people....
They call me back.
Sometimes people try to text me and when I don't respond they become angry (well, maybe angry isn't the right 'bout perturbed).
They will call and say, "Yo...I texted you. You're suppose to answer me back."
Sorry I don't text.
Then I receive a 10 minute speech of how I need to move into the 21st century.
I need to be current in my technology because life is passing me by.
I don't feel passed by.
I feel content. I am confident that I possess the place God desires me to be in.
I haven't missed anything....
That is beauty of being content.
Today is the best day you've had so far. It doesn't mean your satisfied, it simply means, "I'm o.k. with this day."
A cleaver man I know ('s you Jim!) once made the comment in a message he was giving one Sunday that "If you are over 50 then you are no longer a current member of the present day culture. You are considered to be an immigrant. You are here but you really don't belong." Now when I first heard this, I was mad as a wet worm. How dare you call me an immigrant. But you know what? He was right.
The idea of not being a citizen to the culture, but rather an immigrant, meant that I was old and that my time had come and was on the wane (so to speak.) You know what? That is true with any generation. We all have a moment in the sun where our very existence seems to matter and has purpose. Slowly as the years add up, we are moved to a new location in this culture. A place where our voices don't carry as much weight as they once did.
I guess the good thing in all of this is that God isn't really concerned with culture (At least not as much as many would have Him be.) He is more concerned with willing heart and I don't see an age limit place on hearts who are true to Him either.
Realizing this truth, it has served me well over these many years since that message of being an immagrant offended me.
I no longer have to race around for the perceived "next best thing" God is doing. I remember that last year a series of meetings were being held at a local church, and the expectations were humongous for God to show up. One of the people involved came to me and asked if I were going to attend. "Naw...I don't think so." This really shocked this person and they could not grasp why I would not want to be a part of such an event. I smiled and said, "God hasn't told me that I really needed to be there." I blessed them and prayed for them, but I wasn't released to go and be a part. "But it's God....He's going to some really cool stuff!" This person replied. "Good, I'm glad. Go be blessed and enjoy every minute of it." They simply could not fathom the fact that I was not going because God had not released me to do so.
I found out a long time ago, we get mixed up in things that God hasn't really gave us permission to participate with. I have to be very careful to always seek out God's approval and release for me to go and participate in meetings, events and groups. Early on in the days of our recovery meeting at the Vineyard, I grew discouraged because of the number of people who called Vineyard home didn't seem to have a heart for working with those in addiction. I could not understand why they didn't want to come and pray and love and listen to these folks who were trying to get their lives straight. God, in his wisdom and love, answered my prayer by saying..."I didn't call all those other people....I called you." So really ever since that time, I have been very loving toward others who want me to join their cause.
I found out that if God has called you to a work, He will supply everything you need (including people) to help you succeed. Isn't that just like God?
So I'm very content to live out my days at the pace God set for me.
I'll use my antiquated phone that only allows me to call others and talk "voice to voice".
I'll put my hands to the plow for the part of God's kingdom that has been given to me.
I bless the new and improved parts of God's kingdom where the rivers are flowing and the Spirit is moving. I will till the soil He has told me to place my plow in.
God is good like this, isn't He?
God on you....
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1 comment: don't hear that word much these days.But this week I've been thinking about that word a lot. The bottom line is that being in God's will brings's that simple.
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