Sunday, September 22, 2013

Homelessness Of The Contemporary Church

The Profound homelessness of the Contemporary Church

Taken from "DOING CHURCH" a VBI study course
Teachings from John Wimber

Just as Socrates stated that "The unexamined life is not worth living", then the same could be applied to the church. The unexamined church is not worth doing. It there is no decided purpose, no real foundation and no planned building process, what on earth are we doing? (Let me interject here: when referring to a building process, John is not speaking of physical buildings or programs or agendas. He is referring to the need for following Christ in developing disciples and people who are engaged in "doing the stuff."

Without a desire to allow Christ to work and direct the building of His church, human nature will take the line of least resistance and will fall into accommodating, pleasing and appeasing, instead of leading. Such a mindset will place both the pastor and the church in a state of being blown back and forth by every wave and wind of new doctrine, new method, new book, the latest conference, the latest way of doing church ---- Be it "Vineyard-style", or "Restoration"....or "Word of Faith"...or "Purpose Driven", or "Seeker-Sensitive". This wind or wave can also be the latest evangelist or teacher to hit town, the most recent circumstance to affect the Church. It may come from within in the form of a controlling person who is part of the leadership, or a group that wields power. It may come from well-meaning intercessory/prophetic people who use prophecy to put forth an agenda or to intimidate the pastor.

What we have today are leaders, who, for lack of vision from God, have become conference and seminar junkies. Such behavior only reinforces what is known as Church consumerism. It is a sad commentary on the profound homelessness, lack of identity and shaky foundation in the contemporary Church. 

Many pastors are so insecure and so desperate to get their Churches to grow, that they will do almost anything to be successful. At worst, it is a form of spiritual prostitution, running after every thing that comes across our path. At best it is like the quote from Ghandi. "There go my people, I had better run after them because I am their leader." 

This doesn't mean that we close ourselves to new methods, new people, new paradigms or going to a conference. We must always be learning and growing. But our need should always be to follow the simple directive Jesus gives to us to grow HIS church, not our church.

I must never forget that my highest calling is to worship God.
Love Him...
Love myself...
And love those around me....
In this, I seek to share, to equip and train those around me so that they can go back to their homes and affect their corner of the Kingdom God has placed them in.
To help them learn how to hear God for themselves and not have to rely on others to tell them what God is saying.
TO me this is the heart of what I am called to do.

God on you.....

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