Friday, October 25, 2013

GSL 2000

Above you see the very first copy of the Greene Street Letters that we sent out back in 1994. I won't go into the history of the whole "newsletter" thing, but suffice it to say it has gone on longer than I ever though it would.

Today is the 2000th posting here at the Greene Street Letters. I guess that is a accomplishment of some sorts, but my real prayer is, and continues to be, that something written here will awaken something in the hearts of those who visit and read the posting.That you might see God in a way you hadn't before. That He would speak to you as you read.

I make no pretense as to the depth of intellectual content in this blog. It has been my firm belief that the Gospel is a simple message, and that we complicate it way to much. So I try to stick to the simple message, like Paul, of knowing nothing among you except Jesus and Him crucified. Everything goes out from the cross. Salvation, regeneration, justification, and sanctification all come to us because of the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Tie in the message of the cross of Christ to the reality of addiction and you have the answer to all our problems. I'm not talking about church, or denominations or conferences or the latest, bestest seller by the hottest Christian author. I'm talking about a full-blown, Holy Spirit blasting us, encounter with the living God. That is our hope and salvation of being healed and delivered out of the bondage of addiction. To be born again. To have our old life destroyed, and be given a new one in Christ. That is real healing. That is real recovery. That is real life.

That is why I write every morning, in hopes that someone has the lights turned on inside them and see the truth that "You don't have to live this way anymore." This whole Greene Street Letters thing isn't about me. It's about God. This is His blog. These are His thoughts and words given to me to give to you. 

So to all of you who come here and read what is offered, I am grateful for you and thank you.
If you find value in what is posted here, then share it with someone.
God on you......



Anonymous said...

I have received blessing after blessing and encouragement after encouragement from these posts. Thank God for His faithfulness and for your faithfulness, too. My son is still addicted; please remember him in your prayers. Thanks so much.

Greene Street Letters said...

our prayers never cease for those still out there trapped in addiction and all the destruction that comes with it. Know that we are praying for you and your family.
Michael B.


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