Friday, March 13, 2015

Break Time.

Going to take tomorrow off from posting here at the Greene Street Letters.
Just a break...
I know that when I get up in the morning, sit here at this computer, and stare at the screen, and there is just the sound of cricket's in my head,it's time to take a break.

Someone ask me one time, "how do you come up with what to share?" Simple response is...."I don't know."  And that is the truth.

I try to watch what happens around me each day...
what is God doing...
Did someone say something that kind of stuck in my mind (Something akin to a dull dart that sticks in a cedar wall).

Did I run across a Scripture in my readings that jumped out at me.
Sometimes I wake up with the topic or verse already running around in me brain.
Whatever the means of transportation, I enjoy sitting down, coffee in reach, and letting it spill out onto the monitor screen.

This has been a transition week for yours truly.
My first week of being back at the Vineyard full time.
I am use to having a regimented schedule to follow...
You know, be here at this hour...
Teach class at this hour...
Meetings from this hour to this hour...
So to be without that structure kind of made me feel like a duck out of water.

Now, don't get me wrong...
I'm not's just different.

It was good to be at the church in my "office-of-doors"...
For those who may not know what that means, my office walls are constructed from doors. I love it. My mini 'Fortress of Solitude".
I can go inside and shut the door....
And shut the other door....
And then there's the door that needs to be shut....

If you wanted to break into my office, it would be like playing "Let's Make A Deal!" Do you want door #1, door #2 or door #3...or would you like to trade for what Jay has in the box?

Anyway, I like being at the church because you never know what is going to happen, who is going to come by, or what God might drop on you at any instance. 

Tomorrow night, Seth Barber will be speaking at Vineyard ReCovery...
Todd Bagley will be leading worship...
And God will moving and ministering to those who attend.
How can I say such?
Because it is the truth. If you come to this meeting expecting to meet with God...
If you come with a hungry heart to be with Him and some good folk...

If you come ready to worship and just expend yourself on Him...
He will come and meet with you....
Service starts at 7 p.m.

The verse that has been on my mind this morning comes from Psalm 72:17
He name shall endure forever...
His name shall continue as long as the sun.
And men shall be blessed in Him.
All nations shall call Him blessed.

When it says that His name shall endure forever, it is speaking of God's character....
His nature...
IF ever there was a constant in this changing world, it would be God.
He doesn't waver back and forth in His dealings with Us. He is faithful to what He says....
And His promises are yes and amen.

It goes on to say that His name will be around long after I've left the stage of this life. Once again, He is the foundation from which all life comes from...
He is the foundation from which all life returns.....
We, as humans, run around expending great amounts of energy and money trying to find something that will bring stability to our lives.
Only God can do this....
Not church...
Not the latest, greatest Christian book....
Not a denomination...
Not a job, or income...
Not any amount of drugs or alcohol..
Only God.
Just Jesus.

If you are struggling in life....
And you can make it.....
Come out and join us tomorrow night.
We are a jeans/ t-shirt / sneaker kind of crowd...
We also include: overall's, cammo, boots and ball caps....
It is a place where you can be yourself.
Think about it...

God on you....

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