Saturday, March 7, 2015
Crank It UP! Hype It Up!
Matthew 11:28
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
I'm tired....
I'm in a place where I want to stand up and scream..."Isn't Jesus Enough?"
Why all the hype? Why all the exaggerated phrases and terminology?
Why do we feel the need to hype church and Jesus to the point that it becomes embarrassing?
I see websites and advertising, along with commercials that are just filled by hyperbole and hype, to the point I ask myself, "How can they deliver on what they have just tried to sell to the public?" I remember seeing a church sign that proudly proclaimed "We're the friendliest Church in town!" Really? What does that say about the all the other churches in the community? "Oh, them? Well they are a bunch of froopey-pots who do not love the Lord like we do!"
Now I don't think this particular church really stopped and thought about what their sign said. Maybe that's the problem. We so desperate to "Get our share of the people" we will say and do anything to get them in the door. I think maybe this is not such a good idea.
One of the reasons that I joined the Vineyard was because of their non-hyped approach to church and relationship with Jesus. Everything was kept low key and non hyped because they felt that (1) it was God's church...He would build it if they would be faithful in what He'd called them to do...and (2) Hyping something puts you at great risk for failure and looking foolish. When it happens...the failure and foolish part...then the public who really isn't into church will look and say, "Told you it was all smoke and mirrors". Of course no church goes into the world of hype thinking they are wrong or that it isn't on God's heart to build His church. Well, in my opinion (and that's all it opinion) God doesn't need help to the point that we have blow it all out of proportion as to what He is doing.
John Wimber, founder of the Vineyard movement, wanted a church based on relational reality and not pretense. In the course "Doing Church" from Vineyard Bible Institute, John wrote that the language of the church needs to be real and able to be understood by those who don't attend. Our language, as well as our services need to be free from hype...they need to kept low key. This was not to downplay what God may be doing in the service, but more of a way to keep it real and allow God the freedom to move as He desires. The service should be a vehicle for the message of God to be given, yet at the same time be a place of encouragement to everyone. A place where community (Common-Unity) can be built. A safe place where we learn to hear God and discover for ourselves that we all get to play in the kingdom. Not just the people up front with the microphones.
One of John's sticking points was information printed by churches that is given out to those who are visiting or looking for a church home. Here are John's words..."Often the mission statement and vision for the church is printed on a 'welcome brochure'. But do not be deceived! What is stated is not always what is experienced. Often what you first see is not what is really going on. It is not what people say, it is what they live that tells you who they are. The same applies to church."
(From VBI Course: DOING CHURCH - Page 24)
John wanted the Vineyard to always be careful and clarify the underlying assumption when it came to church. He wanted the Vineyard to always use language, concepts, tools or categories that spoke to the person who was on the outside looking in. John would put his own (Biblical) meaning into words or concepts that were part of the everyday world. In other words, because of his philosophy to be relevant, John sought to use words in current usage, but was careful that they communicated what he intended to communicate, in terms of God's truth.
Think of it this way...
What if we hype a meeting....hype our church.....hype our worship and someone visits, only to discover that what we do doesn't match what we have advertised? In that person's eyes, we have lied to them. We have given them one more reason not to go to church.
Please don't get me wrong in what I'm saying...
I'm not saying don't advertise....don't share your vision about what God is doing in your church, and the direction He may be taking you....I think we all need to communicate these things. But we need to be careful in what we say and how we say it. We need to stand on the outside looking in at our church as if we didn't know a thing about it. If you want to be bold, find someone who isn't going to church and ask them to come and visit and give you the real, unvarnished impression of how you do church.
My belief has always been that if God is in what you are doing, then you won't have to hype it or build it up. People will see and they will share with others that something is happening at (insert your church name). After all, isn't that the way Jesus operated. He taught, He demonstrated power to validate the word....and the crowds came. I guess if it's good enough for Jesus...maybe we should take a look at it.
God on you...
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