Danny Daniels will be playing and teaching.
You won't want to miss this. Come and be with us!
No other Words needed.....
Why do we not believe this?
Why do we not live for this?
Why is this thought so far down on our list?
I will....
Here is my spiritual poppa.
I never met the man.
never shook his hand and told him what he meant to me...but his teachings and his honesty changed my life.
When I first entered the ministry, I was blessed to have at my disposal hundreds upon hundreds of his teachings on cassette (remember those?) I spent hours listening and cross referencing what I was being taught. I took notes and I digested what John was teaching. Basically, that was my seminary. It's not that I am Bible smart or an expert, I am simply a man who was shown the simplicity of devotion to Jesus. This is the message that I want to pass on to others. To make disciples so they can go out and make disciples.
Enjoy the video.
I do miss this man....
Back in the 80's Steve Taylor showed up and upset the church world.
His voice sang of churches that had become like an assembly line where the only thing that mattered was the number of people that were brought in. Once inside they could be changed to conform.
Rather than dealing with the heart.
Rather than teaching on repentence.
Rather than even preaching and teaching the Word of God/ Gospel of Jesus....the church adopted a "felt needs" approach to dealing with people.
They were going to entertain the people into heaven.
If you can find any of Steve Taylor's early work like MELTDOWN or STEEPLE CHASE get it.
Thanks Steve for shaking things up.
Richie Furay, guitar player and singer/songwriter of Bufflo Springfield, Poco and many other bands, now a pastor in Denver.
This song, to me, portrays a view of Jesus that you want find in many churches. A man of sorrows acquainted with grief.
We don't talk much about joining in to the fellowship of his suffereing. Not very popular. We don't hear much about how he learned obedience through his suffering.
He was a man of many sorrows.
I would like to say enjoy the song, but I don't think we are suppose to.
I think the song is to wake us up to a truth that has been hidden for many years.
Listening to Keith Green this morning as he sings "How Majestic Is Your Name". I had to ask myself, "Do I truly unerstnd the...