The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
That's a pretty heady statement. It is a declaration as to our position in the relationship we claim to have with Jesus. First off, we recognize Jesus as being Lord over us. We have placed ourselves in submission to Jesus. We have given up our right to seek our own will and we have given him permission to do what ever it takes to keep us from wandering away.By claiming that Jesus is Lord and that, as Lord, He will be my provider.
As a provider that doesn't mean I get to sit around and just "Bahhhh" the day away. Shepherds are always leading the sheep to where they can be fed. Whether they eat or not, well...that's up to the sheep. I don't want to be so blind that I miss the places He has provided for me to graze in.
"I shall not want" is a remarkable statement. In a day and age where we look to the federal government to give us what we need and what we want, God is the only true provider. Notice that it was the sheep (king David) who made the statement of "I shall not want." He could say that because he had seen the hand of God on his life and in his life from the moment that Samuel, the priest, had anointed him at his father's house in Bethlehem. What a comfort we could derive from that statement if we truly believed it. I shall not want. There is peace in those words. It frees us from worry and fear and places us in the position of trusting God whole hearted.
The "not wanting" begins with the understanding and trust in the fact that the Lord is our shepherd. Not until we come face to face with this, can we truly experience the words of the Twenty third Psalm.
God on you....
1 comment:
Well said! Our Shepard is much more reliable than the federal government!
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