Got a lot done in the yard. Flower beds cleaned out. New plants planted. Mulch hauled in and placed.
The Fire of God has not gone out.
The Prayers of the saints have not fallen to the ground.
What we think is warfare today will pale in comparision to what lies ahead.
God grant me strength that I don't cut and run but that I become a warrior for you. Handling the Word and truth rightly.
May your name be exalted over this camp and over the camps of the saints around the world.
God on you............
"There is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."
I see this all to often in the lives of people who are trying to work a program of recovery. This knowing comes too often from having "Tried" to live clean and sober. The idea of living life becomes a mental concept that is played out and carried out under the direction and guidance of the one caught in addiction.
Underlying problem with any addictive behavior is a broken relationship. Because of our sin, we have a broken relationship with God. The very one who gives us life and has the power to enable to walk in freedom, we reject because of sin. Our sin commands us to live outside the influence and control of this God. The sin belittles us into believing that we know what is best, not God. Wasn't that the promise of the serpent in the garden of Eden? "God has kept from you information. God doesn't want you to see and understand as he does!" The serpent beguiled Eve with the greatest promise ever......."Eat this fruit and your eyes will be opened and you will be like God." If I am like God..........I don't need God. That is the curse we carry today.....We have convinced ourselves, through out sin, that we are like God. Able to discern the difference between good and evil. Just because one can discern the difference doesn't mean one can make the right choice. As Charlie Daniels said in his song, "When I had to choose between good and bad, I'd pick bad two out of three."
Don't just know the path. Walk it.
God on you......
Listening to Keith Green this morning as he sings "How Majestic Is Your Name". I had to ask myself, "Do I truly unerstnd the...