Sometimes you think you are getting along pretty well in your relationship with God. I mean you may actually think you're on the super highway to making progress when all of a sudden you will read a verse and you experience a spiritual blow out. When this happens you have to stop, pull over and replace the tire you have been traveling on. You replace it with the spare tire. One that you knew was in the trunk but you didn't really pay much attention to it. That is what happened to me today. I came across a verse that I knew, kind of like knowing where the spare is, but I had not really studied it. Had no need to because I was traveling on the tires that I knew about. Well, when I came across the verse this morning, I had a blow out. I had to pull myself over and change tires, so to speak. What am I talking about? You have a concept or idea from something you either read in Scripture or were taught. You filed this idea away and have tried to live by it. You felt like it was truth and you desired to make it a part of your life. Well, my blow out forced me to take the spare (which was the real truth of God) and put it in place of the tire that was flat.
I Thessalonians 4:9
But concerning brotherly love you have no need that I should write to you, for you yourselves are TAUGHT BY GOD TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER.
I highlighted the part that blew my tire out for effect. Concerning love, we are taught by God to love. I had the notion that it was simply something I was called to do. You know....love everyone. Well how has that been working out for me? Not to good. Oh, I put forth the effort but you know, you just run into people who are, how shall I put this? Unlovable.
When I came to this verse, I found out that the category of "unlovable" does not exist. I only put people in that category because I don't know how to love them. Oh, I can say it with words and it sounds all flowery and good and spiritual, but the truth is, I don't love them. If this was the end of this posting or thought, it would leave us in a precarious place, but praise be to God he didn't leave us stranded on the side of the super highway with out a spare.
I have read the verse from I Thessalonians multiple times but never saw or made the connection that God teaches us to love. Of course He does! That is the fruit that Holy Spirit brings forth that we read about in Galatians 5. I hear many people teach and talk about the fruit of the Holy Spirit but they do so under the mistaken idea that fruit is "multiple" as in many fruits. But if you read the verse from Galatians, it says "fruit"...singular. All the character traits that follow the word Fruit of the Holy Spirit are different shades or types of love.
Galatians 5:22
But when the Holy Spirit comes upon us, or controls our lives, he will produce this kind of fruit in us: Love
Joy - This is love that is excited
Peace - This is love that is at rest. Love that is at peace with everyone around us.
Patience - Love that waits. We are always in a hurry. Hurry to do this or that. Hurry to see something happen that we have prayed for. Love is patient.
Kindness - Love that responds gently. Love that does not repay evil for evil.
Goodness - Love that gives away and is not based on what it can get in return.
Faithfulness - Love that trust and carries out the duties and calling of our heavenly Father without question.
Gentleness - Love that is balanced. Love that suffers with no thought of revenge.
Self Control - Love that is restrained. Love that is tempered with the heart of the Father and does not run without purpose of direction.
When will I get through my thick religious skull that the highest calling God has given us is to love. I think I will chase this today and see what happens.
God on you........