Saturday, January 30, 2010
Shut'em Down!

Friday, January 29, 2010
Quick Study
I wanted to post an entire episode of QUICK STUDY for you to see. It will not be everyones cup of tea, so to speak, but it will aid some in their study of the word.
If you would like to know more or check out the complete weekly viewing you can go to www.thestreamtv.com where you can download the show to your computer or I-pod or mp3 player.
Let me know what you think?
God on you....
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Rod Hembree Host Of QUICK STUDY
One of the best shows on television is a program called QUICK STUDY. Hosted by Rod Hembree and his wife, Janice, along with his father, Rod Hembree, the program takes you through the Bible in one year---Genesis to Revelation. Being a practical book for living, Quick Study applies the teachings to everyday life. It isn't deep and you won't find great mysteries unlocked, but what you will find is sound Bible teaching done in a way that is fresh and simple. You can go on line to www.thestreamtv.com and download daily programs of Quick Study along with the weekend show Walk In The Word.
This is a great program for someone just beginning to study the Word. I have been following QUICK STUDY since 2005 and each year I see something I missed or understand something in a different light.
Great show....check it out.
God on you........
Who Are You Looking For?
He came that we might have true liberty. Will you miss Him?
What are you looking for? Lion? Warrior? King? Liberator?
What are you looking for?
Walk with the submitted and we will meet the liberator.
Concern ourselves with the eternal and we will have the temporal.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
The Invisible Man
He (Jesus) must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less.
Taught from this verse last night's 9 p.m. Bible study.
Because I have been kind of stuck on that verse. Not that it is a mysterious verse or that it has hidden Biblical truth. But sometimes the greatest truth is what we truly see for the first time. It's not that it is hidden, we just haven't really taken notice of it before. For whatever reason, this time you read it, the Holy Spirit kind of makes the verse jump off the page and it strikes you as a "Hmmmmmm!" moment.
On so many levels, this verse from John where John the Baptizer makes this statement is powerful and yet the very heart of what relationship with Jesus is all about. Yes, in the natural John realized that his call was being lessened as the ministry of Jesus began to take off. Jesus would continue to gain notoriety (not that this is good) and that the focus of people would shift from John the B. over to Jesus. John knew this. John understood this. John seemed to be o.k. with it. John had been given a call and he had been faithful to what God expected of him. Now, with Jesus coming on the scene, John's time was winding down and would soon end.
What does this have to do with me?
As I walk out this daily life in relationship with Jesus, I must become the invisible man. My will, my own personal agenda, my own desires must be relinquished and surrendered so that the will of God can be magnified in me. It is about my will being supplanted by God's will so that my behaviors become the by product of this surrender. I do, people see, they realize that it is God working in me and not my own attitudes and behaviors.
Psalm 34:3 reads: O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together.
Magnify? Make God so large in me that he fills every space, every part and there is no room left for me (my old nature) to exist.
Some of you may be saying, "That is really wishful thinking there Mike."
But you know what? If we don't begin to do this, it will never happen.
It beings with me simply realizing that the more I can become transparent in my attitudes and motives, then my behaviors will reveal God's work in me.
One of the things that I teach is: We are not called human "DOINGS" we are called human "BEINGS". That maybe...........just maybe..........if I focus my attention and efforts on following God and let him turn me into who I should "BE" then maybe, just maybe.......I will "DO" what God is calling me to do. If I decrease in my own will and increase more and more in the will of God, then the doing will become natural, almost like 2nd nature, we do because we simply do. Why? Because that is who we are.
Turn loose and let God have his way today.
God on you............
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
I notice that there is a more serious tone to this man.
Oh, this man would never compare himself to the Apostle Paul,
This man holds no degrees from universities.
It's not that he disdains such, it is simply that he has not been
A call.
He simply held jobs and paid his bills.
Change started to take place in 1994, May 26th of that year.
God spoke...
A conversation took place between the man and his God.
the man, with no answers, said, "I'll be your voice."
And God responded.
What falls under everything?
he would once again rise and start the journey God had called him to.
He deserves the glory and honor.
Monday, January 25, 2010
It Was A Good Weekend
A new week. A new day. Another opportunity to grow in Christ Jesus.
What does that mean?
It means I get to face situations and circumstances (as well a other people) where I get to make choices according to what I have learned over the past weeks, months and even years. I get the opportunity to not live as I would choose, but to line up my choices with the Father heart of God and say, "What would you have me do?"
Saturday night was a really good night.
Worship time was powerful and at the same time, I saw many displays of men trying to follow where God was directing us. I saw men "try" things for the first time. Postures of worship. Praying and giving thanks to God. I saw men who stepped out in faith and said, "I will be foolish for you Lord!".
There was much brokenness and healing that came Saturday night.
We finished up the 4th teaching from Step #1 of the Twelve Steps.
For those who might not be familiar with the 12 steps, they are merely sign posts or a guide to help us open ourselves up to Jesus.
Step# 1 says, "We admitted that we were powerless over alcohol (drugs) and that our lives had become unmanageable."
To admit is more than simply saying that you have a problem.
It is a realization that you no longer are capable of living life on life's terms. What is the proof of such a statement? Look at your life. It is out of control and bad choice after bad choice has become compounded until you stand amidst the rubble and ruin of relationships, legal issues and financial ruin. Yet even in all of this, our minds tells us, "You can get out of this." That is the lie that we have fallen prey to. In and of my own strength, my own will and my own cunning, I can break free and not have to answer for any of it.
I have downloaded the sermon from Saturday night so feel free to listen to it or download it to your computer or mp3 player for later listening.
Thanks for stopping by Greene Street Letters and I pray that you find God today in your own life.
God on you...........
Saturday, January 23, 2010
What I Learned This Week!
A.) Genesis 12:1-4 - God instructs Abram to leave a.) his country, b.) his relatives, c.) his father's house. Easy! Three things to do. Abram leaves his country. Abram leaves his father's house. Abram leaves his relati......whoops! Abram took his nephew with him and this would come back to cause him trouble on down the road. We do not get to interject our will into God's will. We don't get to mix our wants and desires with what God has commanded us to do. When we seek to add to what God has told us, we are only setting up some heartache ahead. Lesson that I have to really learn.
2.) We may get what we want but not want what we get.
A.) Genesis 13:10-13 - Abram lets Lot choose which part of the land he desires to possess and live in. Lot, looking up, sees the most lush and green, fertile place his old traveling eyes have ever seen. "I want to go down there and live. What was the name? Sodom and Gomorah? Sounds like good folk to me." Trouble was that when Lot got there he quickly became a part of their society which was not a good thing. The very thing that Lot thought he wanted to own became the very thing that caused the loss of his wife. Be careful what you want, God may indeed let you have it.
Just some of the lessons I was taught this week.
Hopefully I won't have to ride in this rodeo again and I can move on.
After all, my wife says that I am very teachable.
I agree.
God on you....
See you Monday....
Friday, January 22, 2010
Thoughts From Philippians
Phil. 3: 8 - Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Now For The Rest Of The Story
As most of you know the two men who landed on the moon were Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. What has not been known, until recently, were the events that took place after the landing and before the astronauts left the lunar lander to began their historic excursion.
Two and a half hours after landing, before exiting their module for their first moon walk, Buzz Aldrin radioed Mission Control and said, "This is the LM pilot. I'd like to take this opportunity to ask every person listening in, whoever and where ever they may be to pause for a moment and contemplate the events of the past few hours, and to give thanks in his or her own way."
Aldrin then proceeded to take communion personally and privately. In an article he wrote for Guideposts in the 70's, Aldrin described the communion service as follows:
I ate the tiny Host and swallowed the wine. I gave thanks for the
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Cliff Notes Bible
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
"I Don't Like It!"
Then there are those who get angry and rail at God and say, "You are not fair!" To which I would say, "you're right. God is not fair." You see, I have played that fair card against him before. I told him during a particular hard time in my life, " Hey God! This isn't fair and you're not fair!" I received an answer really quick. The thought came to me swiftly, "You're right, it's not fair. If it was fair, you'd be in hell and I never would have had to send my son to die for you." Needless to say, I got it and I have never pulled that card out again.
Humans just can't seem to grasp why they don't get to call the shots in this G0d-t0-man relationship. Why can't all roads lead to God?" Why can't every religion be right? Well, I'm not the one to answer that. It all leads back to God.
Let's take a look at a passage from Acts 4:
"Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."
Did you catch that?
Salvation comes no other way than through Jesus Christ.
Instead of arguing about the exclusivity of the claims of Christ, we should be rejoicing and giving praise to God that there IS a way to have a restored relationship with him.
How petty man is to think that he can judge God and either condemn or acquit him on the basis of his interaction with humanity.
The pettiness of man stands on the seashore, looking to heaven while shaking a fist, all the while proclaiming, "I won't believe in God who is so narrow minded and claims to have only one way to approach him."
God help us all that we become broken in spirit and see with new eyes and fresh mind the folly of our own desires. To lay rules against what we will and will not accept from God is the ultimate folly. By doing this, we seal our own fate and destiny and give the devil a foothold into a heart that will soon be hard and cold.
We only have to look to one of the most quoted verses in scripture to see the heart of God. A heart which has not changed and will not change.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life."
God on you today as you discover more about yourself and your relationship with God.
Monday, January 18, 2010
New Message to Download
Here We Are Again
Monday already.
New opportunities to grow this week. I'm still a stinker in need of God.
I marvel at the more I see myself under God's light, the more I find that is just junk and needs to be shed of (that's a good southern term...shed of....). That means get rid of.
Critical in my thought and speech.
All of these are focal points this week. That doesn't mean that I will be free by Friday afternoon and stand as some kind of SUPER follower of Jesus. It just means that I'm a work in progress.
Please pray and give to the relief effort in Haiti.
Suffering and misery on a scale that boggles the mind.
Water, food, shelter, medicine...all in short supply.
Give to the Red Cross or other agencies that are helping the efforts to rescue the people.
Exodus 6 we find God declaring what he is going to do for Israel as they are trapped in slavery.
Unable to free themselves, their cries have gone up to God and he has begun to act on them.
In Verse 6, it begins with God making a statement.."Therefore, say to the Israelites, ' I am the Lord and I will free you.'"
God goes on to list how he will accomplish this and what he is going to do the Hebrews.
"I will free you from your slavery"
"I will redeem you"
"I will be your God"
"You will know that I am the Lord your God"
"I will bring you into the land that I have promised"
The God closes out this dialog with the same statement that he started it with.
"I am the Lord!"
3 times in the course of these verses he identified himself.
Not because they didn't know it was him.
They didn't know him.
This is our problem in the good ol' US of A.
People are under the assumption that knowledge ABOUT God is the same as knowledge OF God.
It isn't.
Eric Clapton is one of my favorite guitarist. I have listened to him from 8-track to CD (that's a number of years by the way). Seen him in various movies of concert footage. I have read his autobiography. I even got a chance to see him in 2006, but if for some reason, I had rushed the stage screaming, "Eric! It's me! I've need to talk with you." Eric would have taken one look and said, "Security! Oh Security!"
You see, I know about Eric Clapton. I don't know of Eric Clapton.
We treat God like this.
We collect opinions (some good and some bad) formulate them into a logical pattern of thought and we come to the conclusion that we know God.
How sad!
Knowing God comes through having relationship with Him.
Ever growing, always changing relationship that draws us closer to him each day.
Know God today...
Don't just know about him.
God on you........
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Hello My Name Is MIchael and I'm A..........
Today, cloudy and drizzly (is that a word?) with temps in the high 40's and low 50's.
Weather will keep everyone in today. I'm sure most of the guys here at Rapha will catch up on their sleep, homework or laundry.
As I read the letters that the apostle Paul wrote, I find myself curious as to how he viewed himself in his relationship with Jesus. Now for the most part, I think that today most people give no thought as to how they fit into relationship with Jesus. But truth is, we do occupy a place and unless we understand how we fit, we miss some wonderful benefits and blessings that come with knowing.
In Philippians chapter one, Paul writes (NLT) "This letter is from Paul and Timothy, slaves of Christ Jesus." He refers to himself as a slave. What an interesting choice of words. The closest thing we could come up with would be a prisoner, such as one in the county jail or state penitentiary. The word slave used in Philippians 1:1 is the Greek word doulous. A word that means servant or one who is submitted. The submission is of a voluntary will that finds a greater good by occupying the servant place rather than be free to choose and do as one pleases.
Sometimes I think we of this day and age have lost sight of the commitment that comes with being saved. We have glossed it over to simply mean all my mess has been cleaned up and forgotten and if I'm good then I get to go to heaven when I die and sit around on clouds all day and play a harp. Man! If that is all there is to being saved, you can have it. In fact if that is the view that is held concerning salvation, then it is the most selfish, self-centered, it-is-all-about-me view that is as far from the truth as it can possibly be.
Paul, probably the most religious man ever to walk this earth, threw all the religion and benefits that he had away to live and die for this Jesus Christ he had been persecuting through the destruction of the church. Paul chunked it all and said, "I am yours! Do what you will." He lived it! The view today seems to be only to include Christ in our daily lives as part of it and not central to it. This is not good theology. Ours is to simply hear and follow. I know many who want to boil down their relationship with Christ to measuring their feelings. "I feel as though God said this" or "I feel like God is leading me to this place". What does the word say? We don't get to follow based on our feelings. It is a wonderful thing when you are overcome emotionally by God. But God does not lead through our feelings. II Corinthians 5:7 --We walk by faith and not by sight. Romans 10:17 -Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God.
This is not to discredit the feelings, but to realize they are not the gauge and measure of following Jesus.
So how would you describe your position in your relationship with Jesus?
God on you.......
Friday, January 15, 2010
Friday---I Made It!
I am usually on standby to teach in case one of the volunter's can't make it.
I tell the staff that I always have "one in the chamber" so speak. A teaching I can fire off at a moments notice.
Actually what happens is that I have a few verses that are always held and as I began to teach and share, God usually takes me off in the direction he wants me to go.
One of the greatest gifts given to for coming here to Rapha is the ability to teach on the fly.
It began with my first class back in 1998.
I had been coming out and helping with worship, praying with the guys and just what ever was needed. Steve approached me about the posibility of teaching a class. When I asked what it was he wanted taught, Steve left it up to me. The thought came to me 'Why not teach a God-101 class'. Just the basics of who God was and the plan of salvation.
As I began to do this, I quickly learned that focus and direction could quickly change that would lead the class to other areas in s. I did not open myself up to being diverted but found that God would take us from scripture to scripture showing specific points. As the years passed and the classes I taught piled up, I developed a keener sense of hearing God during the teaching and simply following where He was taking me.
Sometimes the greatest teaching wasn't even a teaching.
God desired to come and touch the men with His Holy Spirit.
Why? What was the point?
I have come to the conclusion that it is like the scripture in Mark 10:13-- One day some parents brought their children to Jesus so he could touch them and bless them...
Did you catch that?
They came for no other reason than to simply have Jesus touch them.
Anytime God chooses to interact with his creation, it isn't about simply making us feel better, but in the "touch" we come to an awareness of how broken we truly are and see him as the only answer to any hope that may exist in us.
I have seen many who, when God's Spirit comes upon them, do become aware of their lot in life. That hell is the only destiny they have waiting out there in their future and that Jesus is the only answer, the only hope for salvation.
I pray that God would touch you today....
Right where you are....
And that in His touch you would discover the truth about yourself and the eternal truth about God.
God on you......
Thursday, January 14, 2010
What A Trade Off

It says that the fruit of the Holy Spirit is "love" and
Love that is not self-driven or self-created, but emanates from within
Joy is love that cries out "THANK YOU JESUS!"
The record of your past deeds is expunged with your repentance.
The turning away from sin and the turning to God.
Recognize the giver of such joy, Jesus Christ.
God on you....
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Middle Of The Week, The Road, The Ditch.
Here today, Wednesday, most people consider this to be the middle of the week because no one actually counts the weekend. Truth is, Thursday is the middle of the week. Wednesday just seems more neat for some reason.
The days have begun to fly by. We are almost half way through this first month. Christmas seems years ago and New Years Day has been relegated to the back burner. We are back into a normal schedule (if ever there was such a thing) here at Rapha. Classes, Afternoon recreation, night meetings. I function when there is familiarity or routine in my life. I can adapt to change, but it isn't my most favorite thing to do. Seems as though the older I get the more I struggle to maintain a "same-ness" in my life while everything around me changes.
My son's are in the "30's" now, pretty settled in their lives. That is change that is hard to grasp to me. That my sons are getting older............why that means..................I'm getting older. Yet in all of this change there is a comfort and a constant that I hold fast to.
Jesus Christ.......the same............yesterday, today and forever.
No matter how crazy things get, Jesus is the stability that I lean on to get through the day.
No matter what events upset the very fabric of my life, Jesus is the rock I stand on that gives the ability to face whatever comes.
Matthew 7:24 ---
"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock."
I like this verse.
On my part, I am to listen and not simply "hear" the words of Jesus. Notice that the action lies upon the one hearing. Weighing what you hear and understanding it to be real truth that can effect change into your life, you act on it. Putting what you have heard into practice. That means it becomes a part of your daily routine. Jesus likens such a person to be like a wise man who built his house upon THE rock. Not a rock. Not any rock. Not the prettiest rock. Not the biggest rock. But the only rock that is capable of being that foundation. A rock that has been tried and found to be worthy and capable of with standing whatever nature and the natural world can throw and hurl to bring the house down. Jesus! It's just Jesus. The person and power, the purity and presence has no match. It's just Jesus.
As Larry Norman put is so aptly back in the 70's......"Why don't you check into Jesus...He's got the answers."
God on you.......
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Very Simple Message

James 1:14 - 16
Temptation comes from the lure of our own evil desires. These evil desires lead to evil actions, and evil actions lead to death. So don't be misled, my dear brothers and sisters.
It is so easy to get caught up in the fear and doubt surrounding this time and season in our lives. The world seems to be spinning out of control and common sense seems to be in short supply in our government. Morals have been discarded to walk in what seems to be freedom of "I'll do what I want to do." That global warming everyone is talking about....I'm not so sure it isn't the fires of hell growing hotter and hotter because of humanities brazen attitude of rejecting God.
I found myself confronted with something yesterday that I never had thought of before. Someone posted to this blog earlier in the week and attached a link to a pornographic site. Because of this (coupled with my ignorance on how to stop it), I have stopped the comment portion to this blog. I will begin to post my E-mail address so you can respond if you want to. I am not going to let such actions by others stop me from spreading the truth I have found concerning God. I will do some research and see what it will take to keep such things from happening in the future. I have no idea of who did such an act, but I'm not angry with them....I do pray for them. Something here must have stirred them to do such a thing, and if that stirring brings God's Holy Spirit to their life, then it was well worth the intrusion.
Oh that we would all grow in our relationship to Christ. That we would truly walk, talk, eat, sleep, breathe the reality that God is who He says He is and will do what He says He will do. That we become a message to those around us that cannot be denied. When the Holy Spirit of God is introduced into situations and places, he will stir things up. Where there is spiritual darkness, there will either be a great drawing unto himself, or his light of truth will drive away those who wish not to see and understand. That is why Jesus, in Matthew 5, stated that we were "salt and light". These qualities given to us by the Holy Spirit, cause effect in our society.
Why not be these things (salt and light) today to the people you come in contact with. You don't have to promote it, but rather live it. Be open and listen to the conversation around you. I guarantee that at some point today you will hear and have the privilege of entering into conversation where you can share your story of what God has done, and continues to do, for you.
so, G.E. and Morton's to all of you as we simply "BE" salt and light.
should you wish to contact me, you can do so by E-mail at
God on you.........
Monday, January 11, 2010
Back To Work
Short Weekend but a good one.
Once again we had several visitors at the Saturday night meeting. Always good to see men come back who have gone through the program here at Rapha.
That is my heart's desire for them to come back. I have no problem if they are having trouble finding a church home, for them to come back and be a part of our Saturday night meeting.
I would love to see a community of new born's (recently saved) grow here at Rapha.
I would love to see it grow to the point that we had groups for families (kind of like a recovery Sunday School if you will) that met before the service. Then families would come together and we would worship and share and hear the Word of God. A place where commitment could be made and expectations be placed on all who come. That we would not simply gather to sit and sing so we could leave and come back the next Saturday and sit and sing some more. But that we all were challenged to leave this place and during the coming week, "Do the Stuff" or the works of Christ in the marketplace and school and home.
For 2010, the God has set the bar for us to teach the Word of God, encourage those who come to be more than casual Christians but become students of this Word. To grow and give away freely what has been given to each of us.
2010 is the year to know who we truly are, our position in Christ, and to operate from that place. To realize that the greatest power given to us is the truth of God. Defeating the enemy is not about a power encounter where we try to our muscle him, no! It is simply stating with our mouths and living with our lives the truth of God.
I have posted the message from Saturday night ( 1/9/10). Continuing in study of Step #1 and how God uses this in our lives, the message is "TREASURE IN CLAY JARS".
God on you....
Saturday, January 9, 2010
E.M. Bounds On Prayer

Pain and suffering for sin that rightfully we should have to pay for.
We mumble prayers about "Bless those on the mission field."
Part of it is the reality that it's not the quantity of prayer that is needed but the quality.
Is it that we simply use Jesus as the great talisman or genie lamp to rub and because our grimy,
God forgive me! If that is my focus and my heart I truly am in need of taking a look at what
I want to be lost in prayer.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Technology that the church is slow to embrace because the world uses it to further their message of "SELF" indulgence. For some reason the church has always believed that everything the world uses cannot possibly be something that God would use. Truth be known, God is the creative source behind technology. The devil / satan / lucifer (what ever moniker he may be going by) only copies what he sees God doing and then perverts it for soulish purposes.
I remember giving an interview for our local newspaper back in 1998. At that time, the church I pastored was beginning to create and host a web page on the Internet. We had a message board where anyone who wanted to could come and post a message. These messages usually started threads, or comments from several other people. We felt like this was a good way to engage those who were "Church-a-ly" challenged and maybe did not know who Jesus was.
When the article came out, several other pastors in town quickly commented that they would never have a web page with a message board because that was opening yourself up to anyone saying what ever they wanted to. Truth is, it isn't that way because if your diligent, you would have someone patrol the board, removing comments that may have contained profanity or other such foolishness. The point was that these men were afraid of using technology to further the gospel.
Let me state right up front, I am not a "techie".
I am about as challenged as they come but, as my wife says, I am very teachable.
This is why I am all about trying to learn what is out there that I can use for the Kingdom.
That is why I embedded, or placed, on this blog the little I-pod icon where you can listen to our messages and worship. You can even download them to your I-pod or phones. I want to get the word out that there is a better way.
That way being Jesus.
I'm not pushing any denomination.
I'm not pushing any agenda.
I don't want you sending money.
I have no Holy Ghost dish rags to get the demons off your dishes.
No miracle healing shammy's.
I only want to share the pure, unadulterated Word of God that is life to those who are dying.
That is why I sit here day after day checking the stats on this blog to see where it is going.
I confess to you that this has truly undone me.
To thing that this blog, these words that I'm writing here in Attalla, Alabama are going around the world and are being read in multiple countries. That is what technology is about.
I know that the word of God does not return void. What does that mean? It means that when ever the word of God is read it will produce fruit or an awareness that real truth is being viewed and heard.
I trust God to do what he intended his word to accomplish. Simple as that.
That is why I want to encourage you to listen to the messages we post each week.
Please forgive my Southern accent and the fact that sometimes when I get wound up (that's excited for those who don't speak Southern) I sound more like Goober Pyle from the Andy Griffith show.
I pray that the heart of the message would bring you hope and lead you to a place where the God you understand today is more than the God you understood yesterday.
Thank you for stopping by the Greene Street Letters and I trust that you'll come back and that you'll tell your family and friends about us.
God's blessing to you........
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Life with God is kind of like that.
We become comfortable in our walk and we have a tendency to think that it will always be like this. But then something happens, an outside influence, that changes everything. Just like the cold turned the surface of the pond into ice. We may not recognize the change or even be aware of it until we try to walk or live according to the way we've always done. We suddenly find ourselves spiritually doing face plants, spinning wildly out of control, thinking to ourselves, "What happened?" All the while God has been trying to tell us to pay attention and not get comfortable in the way we have approached life. When we encounter times like this, it leaves us disoriented and with a helpless feeling that everything has changed and we cannot continue. It makes us want to give up and quit. Like the ducks though, we should keep trying to land and learn from each attempt. This is the most important question I have found that God asks of me when I fail or mess up. "What have you learned?" What did I put in my heart that will aid me next time I try to "land on the ice"?
It's about learning as we walk through life, realizing that every day is different and situations and circumstances do not remain the same. The problems and situations I face today, are a lot different that the ones I struggled with back in 1969. This is the beauty of this relationship I have with God. He is ever teaching me, showing me and instructing me on how to learn from mess ups and mistakes. Some people have a problem because they refuse to learn. They keep doing the same thing over and over and over again, hoping for a different result (by the way this is the recovery definition for insanity).
Keep your spiritual eyes and ears open for the changes that come to you.
Learn to "slide on the ice" if you will!
God on you......
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Did You See Jesus Today?
After all, the attendants don't know who has family there are not.
Greene Street Letter 6 / 18 / 01
A reprint of the Greene Street Letters from June 18, 2001
We know that Adan and Eve had broken covenant with God and, as such, had been removed from the garden. God cursed the ground on Adams' behalf that it would only yield its fruit and produce from the sweat and work of the man. But now for some reason, God has taken Adan and given him the task of cultivating the ground from which he was taken.
What I have described here is not what I believe God had intended for Adam to go through. I am fully convinced that God did not place Adam in this place to work so that he would remember what he had lost. Adam was paying for the consequences of his sin. I do believe that we may view our circumstances sometimes when we find ourselves struggling with our past, especially past mistakes.
God on you........
Monday, January 4, 2010
Paradox Of Emotion And Reality
I'm not saying that being a Christian isn't the greatest.
Over and unders.
It is the greatest because when the wheels come off....
when your own dog bites you....
when your check bounces...
We are perplexed, but we don't give up and quit.
We get knocked down, but we get up again and keep going.
I'm still learning.
Till the day I draw my last breath or Jesus comes to take us home...
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Day 2....where does the year go?
Cold and breezy.
Visitation here at Rapha.
Camp meeting tonight.
New Year's Eve service was really good. We focused on Psalm 51 which was King David's Psalm of repentance for his sins with Bathsheba and the murder of her husband.
Cool part was that David was uncovered by his right hand man, Nathan.
Being the King, David could have pulled out all kind of royal "do overs" that would have gotten him off the hook. If things got to bad, he could have pulled rank on everyone and simply said, "Dude, I'm the king. Get over it!"
But David chose none of those. He knew that he might be king but that there was a king over him. Someone we refer to as "King of kings". Hmmmm.
I love the fact that David even realizes that looking religious and posing doesn't accomplish anything except make you look good in the eyes of your fellow sinners.
You would not be pleased with sacrifices, or I would bring them. If I brought you a burnt offering, you would not accept it. The sacrifice you want is a broken spirit. A broken and repentant heart, O God, you will not despise.
David knew that God is always looking at the heart not the actions. The actions of an individual do not show the motive behind why a person does a certain thing. David said, "You know what? I could have brought you a bazillion sheep and cows to offer as burnt offerings at the Temple. But it would not have made right the motive I had in my heart when I sinned against you, O Lord."
Even back in Verse 4 David writes, "Against you and you alone, have I sinned. I have done what is evil in your sight. You will be proved right in what you say, and your judgment against me is just."
Recognizing your own guilt and then accepting responsibility for it is huge.
Recognizing your own guilt and that you have sinned against God is huge.
Seeking forgiveness for this sin is the only way to break the power of sin and then move on with your life.
Let this be the year we accept responsibility for our sin, but at the same time recognize that only God has the power to forgive and free us from our sin.
2010....let's go out and live it!
God on you.......
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