Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Follow You? Where? How Long Will We Be Gone? What Will I Find When We Get There? What Is In It For Me?

Matthew 9:9
........And He said to him, "Follow Me," so he arose and followed Him.

As the time draws closer for our first Vineyard Recovery Fellowship meeting, I can't help but think on this verse. The power behind the two words that Jesus spoke to the tax collector, Matthew. The power that struck the heart of this man who was vilified by his fellow countrymen because of his selling out to the Roman government for a profit. A man who made his living on the backs of his neighbors and relatives, was now being asked by Jesus to leave it all and follow Him. Asked to leave everything he knew...his way of life. Asked to leave his comfort zone to embark on.......well, Jesus didn't even tell him what the future held, He merely told him to "follow Me." Did you notice that Jesus didn't ask him, but rather commanded or told Matthew, "Follow Me."

I keep getting asked the same question by people who are curious about the new service. "What will it be like?" I wish I could give them an answer, but truth is, all I have heard is "Follow Me". All I know is the location of the meeting and the day and time. Other than that, we are going to follow Jesus.

I do know that over the course of the last 6 months, as Vicki and I have talked this over and prayed for God's direction, He did give us a mission statement.
"Following In The Steps Of The Carpenter"
Yes, when referring to addiction, I have taught the 12 steps.
I have taught that to follow them was to bring some order in your life. A life that, in the past, has been driven by chaos and emotional upheaval. Now we have some boundaries and instructions. The Twelve Steps.
But with this new work God is calling us to, our focus is going to change.

Our focus now is to follow Jesus. Get it?
We follow in His STEPS. Following in the steps of the carpenter.That carpenter being Jesus, the risen, glorified Son of God. We are following in His steps, not our own. It is the great trade off. I'm getting rid of all the self-inflicted pain and misery I have brought on myself through my bad choices and selfishness....and I am choosing to leave that way of life behind in order to simply follow Jesus.

What we've followed, in the past, was our own desires.
In the past, we've followed our own lusts.
We have used our selfishness as a compass to get whatever we wanted and needed.
Well, how has that been working out?
Not to good.
Such a way of doing business with the world has landed us in jails, prisons, and institutions.
Maybe it's time we surrendered and actually believed that there was a Higher Power
 that not only could restore us to sanity, but heal us completely.
You see, this following in the steps of the Carpenter, involves allowing ourselves to be healed.
O.K. Michael, you're getting out there now. Am I? Am I really getting to weird or out there, as some might say? You know what. We've tried everything else to rid ourselves of our addiction, Maybe.......just maybe we need to fall upon the mercy of God and ask for Him to heal us. To free our minds and our hearts from the darkness that we have chased after. If the truth be known, we've been following in the steps of the devil, haven't we?
Maybe.......just maybe.....Jesus is who He claims to be be.
Maybe.......just maybe.....Jesus will do what He claims He will do.
Such thoughts as these are why we're going to host a Saturday night hoo-ha!

Earlier in this posting I made reference to the fact that I didn't know much about the meeting other than day and location..........well, I do know this.
We are going to meet with God.
We are going to allow Him to come into that meeting and do what He does so new those who give themselves to Him.
Like John Wimber use to say...."I'm a fool for Jesus...whose fool are you?"
I'm just foolish enough to leave what I thought was of value...leave it behind.
I'm just foolish to recognize that Jesus possesses the words of life.
I'm just foolish enough to go after the "Pearl of great price".
How about you?
Enjoy John teaching on "follow Me!"
God on you....

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