Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Self Denial

Luke 9:23 (The Message Bible)
"Anyone who intends to come with Me, has to let Me lead. You're not in the drivers seat, I am. Don't run from suffering, embrace it. Follow Me and I'll show you how. Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way....My way, to finding yourself....your true self."

From his book "Revival Lectures", Charles Finney states that failing to practice self-denial is one of the sins of omission. He goes on to make an interesting statement that has worked its way down into my spirit. Finney says, "Self denial is a condition of discipleship". That one cannot claim to be a true follower of Jesus without it."

Now when I read this, I automatically went to the worse case scenario. You abject poverty....a suffering servant for Christ. I don't think this is what Jesus meant when He spoke the words of Luke 9:23. Of course, it really doesn't matter what I think....what does the Holy Spirit say. What if I love Jesus, but I also love the life-style that I've managed to create around me? What if my possessions have a little more attraction to me than Jesus does? 

Finney goes on to say, "There are those poor unfortunates who will not give up the luxuries of this life to save the world from hell." 
Self denial is me realizing my position in Christ. That I have been bought with a great price, and my life is no longer my own. I am a follower. My wants, my desires, my plans should be replaced with God's wants.....God's desires....and God's plans. If one happens to have wealth or some semblance of luxury, God is the one who gets to dictate the usage of such. Is God against wealth and possessions? No. But He is against being replaced by such things in our lives.

The hallmark character trait of all people in addiction is selfishness...self centered. No room for anything or anyone else. It truly is the "ME" factor at work. The individual may surround themselves with other friends, other acquaintances, and even family, but only so they can be used to fulfill whatever needs the addict is giving into. No self-denial here.

No matter what your lot is in life, to follow Jesus is to live a life of self denial. To live a life under the influence, and submission to God's Holy Spirit.

IF you read the passage in Galatians 5 that lists the fruit of the Holy Spirit, you will see that Self-control" is one of them. How can one practice living a life of self denial without the power to be self controlled? How can one have the power, or fruit, of self control without the presence of the Holy Spirit at work in their life? It can't be done.

Thank you, Father, that you have not left us powerless to live out the life
you have called us to.
Thank you for the presence of Your Holy Spirit living in me today.
I know that I truly cannot explain how all of this works....
You in me...
Me in You...
Your power given to such a weak vessel as myself.
But with much gratitude, I am ready to deny myself this morning.
To listen for Your voice today...
To follow You where ever you may be leading me.
Thank you for letting me be a part of Your kingdom work,
and for giving me a place to play.

Now Lord, give us Your heart and Your compassion 
for those we will meet today who do not know You.
That they may "hear" and "see" You.
Let us love them, as You love them...
Let us tell my story of the cross....
Grant Your Holy Spirit, that they may be brought
under Your saving grace....
I pray this in the name of Jesus...

God on you..

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