Monday, October 17, 2016

Redemption...Now There's A Word For You

More than just a spiritual term we hear in church.
IT is the whole work of Jesus that is kind of like a business transaction.
The cross...........the shedding of His blood......His death and resurrection.
All part of this redemptive process that gave us the opportunity to put in right standing with God the Father. Keep in mind that we were born into sin. All part of the "Adam and Eve thing" when they disobeyed God. From that point on, every human born was separated from God by this unpaid sin debt that each of us owed. 

Jesus became the payment that satisfied our debt. He took for us the penalty of our sin. As Scripture says...."He who knew no sin, became sin".  Don't ask me to explain all the theological in's and out's of this act of paying for our sins...I can't. But I can rejoice and get down right happy whenever I stop to think about what Jesus has done.

So here is the definition of redemption:

  1. 1.
    the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil.
    "God's plans for the redemption of his world"
    synonyms:saving, freeing from sin, absolution
    "God's redemption of his people"
  2. 2.
    the action of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for payment, or clearing a debt.
  3. retrieval, recovery, reclamation, repossession, return 

  4. Is it just me, or did I see the word "recovery" in the definition of redemption. I think maybe "yes". So the ideal of being in recovery is more than just the absence of drugs or alcohol. It is a total removal of one "old" lifestyle. It is the breaking of the power that held us in that lifestyle. It is a total shattering of the penalty we face had we remained in our old way of living.  I think maybe redemption includes forgiveness.....A dash of mercy.....a full cup of compassion....and is covered completely with the love of God.
  5. Now if that don't set you on fire....then your woods wet. I remember a hymn we use to sing when I was growing up. Some how the words seem to have taken on a different meaning as I grown in Christ.

Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it.

Redeemed by the blood of the lamb.
Redeemed through His infinite mercy

His child and forever I am.

Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb
His child and forever I am.

Of course, how I can even think of the word redeemed and not have the Rapha Declaration come to mind.....
Because of Christ's Redemption
I am a new creation of infinite worth.

Sounds like Jesus is offering us a fresh start in life, does is not?
God on you....

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