Wednesday, July 5, 2017

VGS (Video Greene Street) For July 5

I'm not going to start posting Video everyday....That would be cruel and unusual punishment for you to have to look at my mug. But it is a way during this "time-off" period to stay in touch.

Continuing on in this thought of resting in God....
We might get a little bit depressed if the Scripture from the book of James is read, where we are told that "works without faith is dead".....I would reverse that and say that "faith without works is futile". I think maybe this is the trap a some people fall into. Trying to run around doing stuff for God that He never actually said needed to be done. Running around trying to win God's approval, when you already have it!! I hear from newbies (those just saved) that they want to get as close to God as they can. I tell them, "You're as close as you are ever going to get, on this side of heaven". What I think they may be trying to say, but do not have language for it, is that they want to be more aware of God's presence. To be able to discern His leading and movement so that they won't fall behind or wander off into places He never told them to go to. Nothing wrong with that.

It is a weird place, this existence between "doing" and "being". A very fine line that we easily cross when our flesh seeks to control, as oppose to surrendering to God. To me when I am allowing God to work in me and through me, the doing becomes second nature. It's not something I have to strive for or work at. I read and study my Bible not because I have to, or I think God requires it of me. I do so because I want to. I have a hunger for God's word. I share my story not because I have to, but because I want others to find what I have found. More that that, I continue to see God in new ways every day. One statement I've held on to for years is this simple fact...."The more I know about God.....the less know about God!" This is the adventure that God is inviting us all to join.

Until tomorrow.....
God on you...

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