Thursday, April 27, 2023
Monday, April 24, 2023
Tis a strange world we live in, is it not?
We celebrate the human will and spirit and the achievements it has accomplished.
Mountains that have been conquered and claimed by humans.
Feats of strength and stamina wrought by mankind.
We lift up our sports heroes....
We heap accolades on our musicians.
We give awards to our celebrities.
But all of us fall short, and pale in comparison to Jesus.
Somewhere in the midst of this false reality of the goodness of man dwells the truth of hearts that live in darkness. What's more there is a truth and power that comes from God that can separate us from the darkness that only leads to death.
I understand now how the evil and ugly side of humanity lives in the same neighborhood as the innocent and perceived purity of all that is good with man.
The two really are next door neighbors even though one would not admit to it.
Given the right set of circumstances, all that is pure in the eyes of our own flesh, will open the door to all that is evil and invite him in.
I Corinthians 13:12
For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.
Strange words, this verse.
What does it mean?
It means that the sum total of our knowledge of God is but a part.
Even the greatest of theologians know only part.
It is for this reason that my theology is very shallow...........Just Jesus.
As Paul states in I Corinthians 2:2 - For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified. That also is my creed.
If I dwell on the question of evil and good residing in the same neighborhood, I will come to no conclusion except for the fact that "there is none good, no not one." The very heart of humanity reveals the need of a Savior. And the only one who can fulfill all the need is Jesus Christ. It is this partial "knowledge" of a heart that does not know Jesus that allows evil to flourish and prosper. It is the truth of God at war with the lies of Satan. This Kingdom war isn't about power or else God would have simply wiped clean all evil. It is about truth. When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, he simply "out-truthed" the devil. Truth uncovers evil and breaks the power of darkness. The greatest source of evil can be found in the human heart that does not know God. This is how the two inhabit this planet. This is the purpose of God to destroy the works of the devil. Jesus manifested in flesh, paid the price that sin demands so that evil would be defeated.
It would be a disparaging hope if Jesus were not who he claims to be.
That is why if you read verse 9 and 10 in I Corinthians 13, you will find the hope.
"For we know in part and we prophesy in part but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away."
When the perfect comes.
When Jesus comes.
One who is perfect will destroy the veil between this world and the next and we will stand face to face.
It is then that all we lay claim to believe in will be revealed as truth.
This is the season for salvation. Now is the day of His great salvation to those who believe and receive.
Seek the Lord while He may be found.
Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord.
Believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead and you will be saved.
Praise God what a Savior....
God on you....
Saturday, April 22, 2023
Revelation 22:12-13
"Look, I am coming soon, bringing my reward with me to repay all people according to their deeds. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End."
You know, it is not seen as being vogue to talk about the return of Jesus.
The 2nd coming.....
I have run into a number of believer's who want to change the subject when it comes to the return of Christ. I don't know if this is true or not, but what I have noticed is that some folks seem to be in love with life here on earth.....the thought of leaving everything they have, to be whisked away to heaven is not a pleasant thought to them.
Well........I can hardly wait.
I'm not so much all up into the "streets of gold" or the "pearly gates" as I am to be able to worship in the presence of the one who died for me......JESUS!
To be able to converse with the Old Testament and New Testament saints about their time here on earth. Who would not be excited about such things?
This has been a wonderful season and time for me, as it relates to God's word.
I have been making my way through scripture in a systematic fashion, and this morning I found myself in the last chapter of Revelation. It has been a good study....notes....scribbles in my Bible and I am grateful to begin again, in the morning, to start over.
The book of revelation has a way of taking ones attention and turning it to heaven.
Seems as though the older I get, the harder it becomes to carry on in this life.
I don't mean for that to sound morbid or depressing, but the truth is, if you live long enough then those around you, family and friends, began to die. Life becomes more precious and, for me, the truth of who Jesus is becomes greater. With that truth comes the understanding of why it is important to tell my story of Him redeeming me.
Taking me out of one way of life, and placing into another. From the the good.
Who knows...maybe this will be the day that Jesus returns....
That is both wonderful and frightening...
Wonderful in that I am ready.......
Frightening in that I am painfully aware that there are people who aren't ready for his appearing.....
their own personal choices have taken them outside the realm of God's mercy and placed them squarely in the kingdom and rule of darkness....under the bondage of Satan.
We have to tell our story....
We have to tell HIS story....
Let's make today a time to share our story with someone
Maranatha, Lord Jesus......
God on you.....
Wednesday, April 19, 2023

It says maybe we are really in love with the world and it's system, especially here in the United States.
Our reason for working is to create a life that is pleasurable and comfortable.
To create a life that is as pain free as we can possible make it.
Is this wrong?
It is when this view becomes the very reason we get up every morning.
The message that comes from some churches is the pursuit of a life here on this planet is the highest calling we can achieve.
Love your neighbor.
Hey...God doesn't mind us having "Stuff".
Monday, April 17, 2023
Did you see Him yesterday? last Week? Did you feel His presence? Were you aware that you were being looked over by Him? Or did the flames of the day consume you and your thoughts to the point that you were totally overwhelmed.
I've always loved reading Daniel chapter 3 and how God took care of the three Hebrew men who refused to bow and worship the idol set up by king Nebuchadnezzar. It's easy to sit here and proclaim what we would or would not have done had we been in a similar circumstance, but these three were dead set that they would serve God no matter what.
I don't know what their mindset was as they were being led to what was suppose to be their place of death. These three were going to be made an example of for the rest of the people in that country. I don't know if they were fearful.........if there were seeds of doubt that fell away as the resolve to serve God grew stronger and stronger. I do know that at some point they were thrown into the fire. What should have been the end of the story turned out to be only the beginning.
I do know that after throwing these three Hebrews into the fire, old Nebuchadnezzar began to do some math. "Did we not throw three men into the furnace?" His nasty minions replied, "You bet we did!". But God peeled away the veil of this world and gave the king sight to see something that had no rational explanation. Three went in.........but the king saw four. And there was something about that fourth man that was different. The king kept counting over and that can't be right. 1....2....3.....FOUR!!! The king described the fourth man as one like the Son of God.
Sometimes when the things of this world seek to destroy to throw us "into a furnace"...we need to remember this even that took place. No matter where we find matter our matter if the flames are licking at our feet.....when our choice falls to serving God no matter what there is always the 4th man standing with us. Just as the three Hebrews were not promised to be delivered, they held firm to who God is as well as the power and authority He alone possesses.
If you read Daniel 3:17 you will will find some of the most powerful words ever spoken by mortal man. "Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand, O king. But if not, let it be known to you, O' king that we do not serve your gods, or will we worship the gold image you have set up."
Basically what they said was, "Hey King...our God can deliver us. But even if He doesn't He is still God." That is mindset and the heart I want to take out into my day here on April 17th. That no matter what I face or what situation comes at me, I will not bend to it.... I will not bow to it....and I will follow my God even if it means walking into the flames.
We serve a great God!
God on you.....
michael b
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
-, faith, or confidence in someone or something."a belief in democratic politics"
Well, what happens when all you've ever done is fail?
What happens to your thinking if you never measure up to standards that you or others have set for you? Now, throw in some drugs and alcohol on a daily basis and the failures grow and multiply. This false belief will cause you to not even try anymore. After all, why should you? You fail at everything. This is one of the obstacles we create in our own hearts and minds when we succumb to the spiritual, mental and physical darkness of addiction.
Who even try to serve God this way......
"He has perfected."
Not "He will perfect" nor "He is in the process of perfecting."
So when God see me, He sees my person/spirit as being perfect because of the blood of Jesus.
Monday, April 10, 2023
Now what?
Back to work...
Back to the grind.....
Easter is over....
Colored eggs have been liberated from their shells and will become egg-salad for lunch.
Peeps have been eaten along with all the jelly beans...
We did our due diligence by attending church.
Put on our Easter best.
We listened to the special music...
We even got misty-eyed at the invitation...
But now what?
Every day should be Easter.
Every day should be a celebration in the heart of every believer that "He is Risen....and continues to be "Risen" every day.
Every breath I take should be a reminder and testimony to the simple fact that Jesus has risen.
He is risen with every hour I clock at work.
He is risen when my life is less than reflective of the truth of God.
He is risen when I am struggling with a crisis of faith. Remember, Jesus has no such crisis as this. His crisis was cast off and left in an empty tomb.
My life should be a walking, talking, eating, sleeping, moving around testimony to Easter..I have life because He did rise! I have freedom in Him because He didn't just die, he came back and walked away from death.
Every day is a testimony to the fact that Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He wasn't confined in some dark, dank, dirty tomb....
I love the angel guys who were hanging out in the cemetery....
Women show up to anoint and finish the preparation for Jesus' burial.
The angel guys ask the women, "Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here. He has risen!"
Sometimes I think my walk with Christ gets over into the "Looking for the living among the dead"....that is nice way of saying...."Michael, you missed it son. You're seeking out the religious when you should be all up in a relationship."
You can always hold a church service in the tomb....
You can mourn over the should-of, would-of, could-of...
But Christ has moved on and is out among the people.
He is risen!
Don't let Easter be watered down and separated into one day a year.
Every day is Easter.
He has risen today.
Tomorrow will once again proclaim to a dark world...Jesus has risen.
Next week will testify to the fact that Jesus is not in the tomb.
And if we declare it long enough and loud enough..who knows what might happen to those around us.
He is risen...
Sunday, April 9, 2023
Each year about this time, I think back to an Easter that has come to mean so much to Vicki and me. Some of you may have read this post before, but I can't help thinking back because it was a pivotal moment in our life-journey.
The year....1980. Day before Easter. A Saturday night.
I had finished a hard day at a pizza restaurant at the Gadsden Mall and was now home with my wife.
Sitting in our living room, we were talking about the next day being Easter and what we were going to do.
The time was 11:30 p.m.
It was to be our first Easter together since we had rededicated our lives to Christ. Seven years of living outside of God's will had taken a toll on both of us, but now we had begun the journey of following Jesus.
We were in our living room, our sons were down the hall asleep in their beds. Like I wrote, this would be our first Easter and I wanted to celebrate the real reason that put our lives and our marriage back on the right track. I wanted this Easter to be more than new clothes, chocolate bunnies and colored eggs.
In the background, as we talked, was the sounds of WDJC, a local Christian Radio Station, that was playing on our stereo.
The DJ was sharing about his life, the struggles he had faced and how the faithfulness of God had kept him all these years. His story was intense and it was as if he'd forgotten that he was on the radio. He had become a voice that filled our living room and was sharing intimate details of his life before Christ. The misery and the heartache of all the things he tried to fill his life and heart with, seem to add up and take a toll on his life. The longer this voice kept talking, the more we were drawn into his story. In fact, his story sounded a lot like our story. A journey into the darkness of sin, only to be brought out by the salvation that only Jesus can offer a suffering soul.
I remember that his story went on for nearly 30 minutes and the thought of running any commercials or station ID's were discarded. This voice continued to share how Christ had saved him from a life of destruction and a eternity of separation from Jesus.
The one thing that has stuck with me all these years was the passion this man had as he told his story. The voice we were listening to became extremely excited as he moved into the portion of his journey where God became a reality to him. The thrill of his salvation experience and the desire to share his story with anyone and everyone. He spoke of the life he now has with Jesus as his savior and the Holy Spirit living inside him. On and on....he shared. Finally the voice said..."Well, it's 12:01 a.m. .............Easter Morning. Ladies and gentlemen...........He is risen!!!!"
Our living room was suddenly flooded with the sounds of Easter Song by 2nd Chapter of Acts. Vicki and I sat there totally mesmerized as the presence of God became a reality while this song played. It was a celebration of the triumph of Christ over death, hell and the grave.. It was one of the most incredible times I have ever experienced. My first Easter celebration as a believer. .
Enjoy this song! More than anything.....Worship while it's playing.
Let the truth of the resurrection become more than a mental piece of information...
Let it become life and healing and truth and love and grace and mercy and freedom in Christ.!
Because there aren't any bones in Jerusalem....
He Is Risen!!!!!
God on you....
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
Nehemiah 2:18 / So they said, "let us rise up and build." Then they set their hands to this good work.
I've always favored the book of Nehemiah. We have a man who is in turmoil because he receives news that the walls of the city of Jerusalem have been broken down and set on fire. He prays earnestly to God...He fasted...He prayed some more. In the end, God appointed Nehemiah to be the one who returns to Jerusalem to set about the task of rebuilding the walls. Never mind that Nehemiah was a slave in service to the king. God had plans, and nothing was going to stand in the way.
If you read the scripture, you'll find that Nehemiah had all manner of people come against him to stop this task of rebuilding the walls. These so called friends (maybe not the right word to use) spoke smooth words to Nehemiah trying to get him to compromise in this task. He refused.
So using this example of walls being torn down around a city, which allowed the enemy to enter and exit at will, what would that have to do with us today? Well, how about your testimony ( as the old folks would say) of who Jesus truly is in your life. Do you ever think about building in a proper way the things that Jesus has shown you, taught you, revealed to you? Or do you simply go to church weekly giving no thought as to how others may see you. Now I'm not talking about seeking the favor of people, or trying to get their approval. But when they see your life......when they hear you speak does your life reflect the glory and goodness of God? Came across a statement made by pastor Carter Conlon.
There is a spiritual wall that separates those who are truly serving God and those who are bringing carnality into His church. If God is going to be honored in this generation we must begin to rebuild the testimony of Christ in our lives. You may ask yourself how does this happen? How do I begin to rebuild this wall? The first thing we do is apply the truth of God's Word to every area of our life where we are not in agreement with Him. Secondly, we must remove the rubble in our homes that has blocked the door to the prayer closet. Lastly, call our children by example into the work of God. Suddenly there will be a people arise and begin to build according the ways of God and they will do it all for His honor!
My love for the things of this world creates these broken down places in my life and in my testimony. A brick here......a brick there, and before long I have given the enemy access through my divided heart. Ephesians 4:27 reads, "Do give the devil a foothold." Such is why we need to be aware and check ourselves in the light of God's word to make sure that we are not bringing attacks on ourselves and our families because of these broken places.
Maybe it's time we do a maintenance check....
God on you...
II Corinthians 4:4
Satan, who is the god of this world (or age) has blinded the minds of those who don't believe. They are unable to SEE the glorious light of the Good news. They don't understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.
A mind that is blind?
A force that can literally stifle and cut off life giving information, knowledge, and understanding that would aid someone in breaking free from the darkness they are currently living in.
Sounds like something out of a science fiction magazine, doesn't it.
Mind control......
Brain washing.....
Yet it is a reality that is battled everyday when dealing with people who are trapped in their addiction.
They see, but they can't make sense of it.
They hear, but it does not register.
They can quote to you chapter and verse of the Big Book, but they just can't live it.
It takes something beyond our own capabilities to bring us out of the darkness that has been placed upon us by the devil and his minions.
IT takes a Step #2 God to break off the hardness of heart and mind so that we can receive the life giving truth of the Good News.
The death and resurrection of Jesus is the very thing that opens us up to a new way of living.
I now it sounds like Twilight Zone stuff....
That an event that took place over 2000 years ago, still has the power and potential to change my life here in 2016.
Not just change my life and my future, but change me.
Change the way I view my situations and circumstances.
Change the way I feel about others around me.
Change the very desires of my heart.
To do such would require a power that was not found in myself.
That power is found in a person, and that person is Jesus.
Jesus told his followers in John 14:6 that He was "The Way, The Truth, and the Life". There in the middle of "way" and "Life" is truth. Truth is the reality of who Jesus is and what He has promised to do, in spite of what this world may have done to us. Jesus didn't proclaim Himself to be "A" truth...or "Some" truth....or even one of many truth's. He laid it out simple and hard. "I - Am - THE - TRUTH!" Take it....leave it....receive it....or reject it.
So why do some receive this message of change, and some don't?
Why are some so undone by this truth, that they gladly turn over will and life to Jesus, while others never miss a smack of their gum and continue on down their hell-path?
I don't know that I have an answer other than to say that I'm sure it has something to do with this free-will God gave us.
Couple this with the spiritual state of a person's heart and it may simply be a case of buying into a lie that is refused to be given up even when the Holy Spirit comes upon a person. This doesn't mean that Satan has more power to deceive than God does to save. What it does mean is that sin/addiction is a powerful tool used by Satan to lock the minds, hearts and spirits of people up so that they won't hear the truth.
Such is why we are called to be light to those around us....
Light is a power that reveals the lies of the enemy.
At the same time, light lets us see ourselves as we really are...
All the warts and scabs...the skint places and the open wounds that have brought pain in our emotions and thoughts.
At the same time, this light/truth points us to the ultimate healer...Jesus.
Think on these things today....
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