Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Hosea 14:9-10
Let those who are wise understand these things. Let those with discernment listen carefully. The paths of the LORD are true and right,and righteous people live by walking in them. But in those paths sinners stumble and fall.
The paths of the Lord...
The instruction of the Lord...
The discipline of the Lord we Are called to incorporate in our lives.
All boil down to one simple thing.
We are to look to Him in everything we undertake.
I know all to well what happens when I turn from His instruction to embrace my own.
It ain't good!
I know what it's like to pretend so others will think you religious and good.
Playing the church game where you know the lingo and can sing all the songs, yet on the inside you are dying. But never let'em see this! Keep it hidden and put that big old fake smile on. There is one certainty for everyone who tries to walk the path of the Lord playing this game.....He will uncover you.
I guess it is true that my greatest enemy is myself.
No wonder Jesus calls us to "deny ourselves and take up our cross daily".
If you think about it....
I mean really stop and think about it, on the surface this doesn't sound like something I really want to do. But maybe that's the problem. It's ME that is deciding instead of simply turning my stinking will over to His care so I can embrace His will.
As Bob Dylan use to sing..."You Gotta Serve Somebody".
It might be the devil....
Or it might be the Lord...
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.
Isn't it amazing that the greatest truth is always the simplest?
I think maybe I want to complicate it so I can have an excuse of why I didn't embrace the truth.
So the path you choose will ultimately uncover your heart (which isn't a bad thing).
Once uncovered, you have a choice to either follow Jesus, or join up with the devil and see how much damage you can do before it's all over.
I think maybe I'll choose Jesus.
God on you....
Friday, May 26, 2023
Big Book of A.A -- Chapter 5 -- "How it works"
Rarely have we seen a person fail who has thoroughly followed our path. Those who do not recover are people who cannot or will not give themselves to this simple program.
Remember that we deal with alcohol (And drugs....M.B.) cunning, baffling, powerful! Without help it is too much for us. But there is One who has all power---That One is God. May you find Him now! Half measures availed us nothing. We stood at the turning point. We asked His protection and care with complete abandon.
Psalm 32:8 -- The Lord says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you."
Psalm 34:18 - The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those who are crushed in spirit.
Psalm 39:8 - Rescue me from my rebellion...........
Psalm 91:9-11 - If you make the LORD your refuge, if you make the Most Hight your shelter, no eveil will conquer you. No plague will come near your dwelling. For he orders His angels to protect you wherever you go.
Psalm 103:14 - For He understands how weak we are. He knows we are only dust.
Psalm 107:5-9 - Hungry and thirsty, they nearly died. "LORD, help! They cried in their trouble, and he rescued them from their distress. He led them straight to safety, to a city where they could live. Let them praise the LORD for his great love and for all His wonderful deeds to them. For He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.
Psalm 119:19 - Help me abandon my shameful ways. Your laws are all I want in life.
Psalm 119:65 - You have done many good things for me, Lord. Just as you promised.
Psalm 119:71 - The suffering you sent was good to me, for it taught me to pay attention to your principals.
Psalm 119:105 - Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path.
Psalm 139:23-24 - Search me, O God, and know my heart. Test me and know my thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.
Psalm 139:3 - You chart the path ahead of me and tell me where to stop and rest. Every moment you know where I am.
I felt that I should only post Scriptures that somehow relate to the working and walking out the Twelve steps. I pray that you find comfort and a renewing of your spirit as you read them. If you have time, go back and read them again slowly. Let them soak inside you. Let them drive away any fear or doubt you may have this morning. Let these words be life to you. Realize that no matter what you are facing today, God knows about it and is watching over you. It may not seem like it. You may even not be aware of His presence, but He is there. He is still in control and I have to trust Him that He knows what is best for me. I will choose this day to follow the "Simple Path".
God on you.....
Monday, May 22, 2023
Since I started working in recovery I have seen a great deal of effort and interest poured into this field. Rehabs have sprung up.........meetings can be found pretty much every night of the week. Day meetings.....night meetings....people reaching out to those who are trapped in addiction. But one thing hasn't changed much. When you talk to a lot of people, it seems as though their idea of recovery is simply the absence of the drug or alcohol that has brought on a problem in the life of the addict. I do agree that such things need to be removed in order to treat an addiction, but it takes more than simply removing the source. It takes more than educating someone not to use. As I first learned when I started at Rapha Treatment Center, drugs and alcohol are not the problem.....they are only a symptom of what the problem is. They are only evidence that a problem does exist. So what is the problem? Well it is as old as time itself. We are the problem. The heart of the matter is that there exists a broken relationship between us and God. "You're kidding right?" You may be thinking to yourself. No I am not.
An example I heard years ago is that we have a God shaped hole in our heart that only He can fill. When we allow Him to occupy such a place there is a balance and a way that becomes clearer to us in our life. Without God filling that place, we will look for other things to fill it. Drugs, alcohol, sex, money, power, greed and on and on. Trouble is they can't fill it and bring the peace and contentment only God can give us. The things other than God only bring us empty promises and leave high and dry only craving more. And so the chase begins.
God has gotten such a bad wrap over the years that any mention of Him, His name, or anything to do with Him is automatically linked to religion and church. Those two are not bad in and of themselves, but if God ain't in it....If we allow ourselves to become cold and hard to the truth that only God can save us, we will continue either to slide deeper into the darkness or simply give up.
I want to leave you with a verse this morning. Simple words, and I dare you to find the word church or religion mentioned in them.
Romans 10:9 - That is you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. It says we are to confess ----verbally speak it out loud. But these words we are called to speak have to come from some where. Here is the where the change takes place in our life. BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART......there I said it. What I confess has to be spoken from a place where I truly admit that I am in need of a Power greater than myself who can restore me to sanity. A "heart-belief" that may not comprehend the how's or why's of what happens when this belief is spoken out, but knows that we have tried everything else and it isn't working. Strongest words in scripture....."I believe....I believe." We are not talking about believing in the existence of God....as in "I believe IN God." We talking about believing the truth that He has offered to all of us. "I BELIEVE GOD!"
I hope this is a help to someone who reads this today, and may you find this God that I have written about and let Him bring the change in you that has escaped every effort you have made to right your own wrong.
God on you today...
michael b.
Thursday, May 18, 2023
Romans 7:15
For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice, but what I hate, that I do.
I know me.
I fully know what I a capable of doing if I step outside of God's grace and mercy and begin to operate according to my old nature (or sin nature).
That is a scary thing sometimes when you stop to really take a look at yourself. To stop and consider what you are capable of doing----what you are capable of saying in order to hurt someone with your words. This will give you pause to ponder who God truly is and what the death and resurrection of Christ really is all about.
I'm not talking about living in the land of would-a, should-a and could-a. But I am suggesting that take a moment and find gratitude for what Christ has done for each of us. If you are a pre-believer (the church would refer to you as "lost) then consider the simple fact of all the mess you have created with your actions and belief's. Lie's you have told and then covered up with more lies, until you reach the point that you can't separate the truth from the lies you have piled up.
I love Paul's brutal honesty about himself. He was very much aware of what he was capable of doing outside God's call and presence in his life. This is what kept Paul on the path he had taken. He was not going to allow himself to be side tracked back into old behaviors and ways of facing life. He was not going to fall back upon his intellect to justify and give credence to the choices he had made. Paul knew that this salvation that had been extended to him by Jesus, was a precious gift that he would guard with his very life. There was no going back for Paul.
That is the way I have to live. Not that I am Paul, I am not. Not that I place myself on the same level as Paul, I do not. But this I know. I am capable of incredible dark things should I allow my old nature to take rule of this life. For that very reason, I fight all the more harder to move ahead and chase this Jesus.
I'm not trying to be dramatic with my words. I just want to convey my feeling and thoughts in what I face daily. There is much joy in my life because of my salvation. There is peace in my life because I have chosen to follow Jesus. There is less worry (I'm still working on this one) in my life because of the promises that God has extended to everyone who "comes to him". I remember all to well what the old life was like. I didn't like me very well. There were times of great shame when I would think to myself, "My mother did not raise me to be like this." Such times would just cover me with guilt and shame. These are the two deadly, toxic emotions that have the power to keep someone in their addiction and not allow true freedom to be experienced. God has the power and love to break the cycle of these two emotions and bring in his healing presence to restore.
I am grateful that Paul gave us an inside glimpse of his own personal life and struggles. Very unusual way of teaching, especially in light of today's Christianity. Leaders and Pastors today have to maintain an image of incredible righteousness. Building up themselves to the point that if a scandal breaks or the truth about their own sin comes out, it is a downfall of epic proportions. I think living transparent and open would keep us all honest before each other and God. I think maybe that is the way I will choose to live.
Open and transparent.
Come, Lord Jesus!
God on you....
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Psalm 23:4
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death....
Life is filled with sunshine and shadows....
A mixture of darkness and light that, at times, seek to define who we are and what we are trying to accomplish.
Not accomplish in the sense of job's or skills, or tasks...
but in the sense of who we were created to be.
Sometimes the shadows can be so deep that you can't find your way.
Sometimes the light is so blinding that you can see what lies ahead.
But there is a shadow that not only provides you with safety and understanding, but covers you with love.
The shadow of God.
Psalm 91:1-2
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress.....my God, in Him I will trust.
God's cover over you as you traverse this terrain of life...His shadow.
The shadow of love...
The coolness of His presence completely overtaking you.
The protection of His name flying like a standard for all the world to see that you are His possession.
In Psalm 23 we read that part of life's journey includes going through other shadows. In this case, David writes of the valley of the shadow of death.
The lowest point between two mountains....
Mountains could symbolize problems and situations we find ourselves facing.
Mountains so high that they block out the natural light, casting long shadows down into that valley.
Such places can be scary and cause one to pause.
But David wrote that he wasn't afraid of such times or places, that he was moving through one shadow, in the protection and safety of another shadow.
The shadow of death has no cause for concern to David because he understands who it is that is taking him through this shadow. He understands that death cannot overtake until it is his time.
We all have these parts of our life journey that will take us through the valley of the shadow of death. Never, never, never forget who has a hold of you...
Spirit, soul, body all belong to God. I am His and He is mine. Such is a comfort to me. As David wrote in Psalm 23...."I will fear no evil."
I'm not the smartest guy in class, but I do believe that mindset and heartset will serve me well..."I will fear no evil."
Think on these things...
God on you..
Thursday, May 11, 2023
I found this incredible video that kind of explains where we (the Vineyard Church) came from. As you watch the video, you may tell yourself that we, Vineyard ReCovery Church, is nothing like what you are seeing. Well, in some cases, that is true. It's not the outward appearance of how we do church, as much as it is the inward beliefs that define who we are.
You need to understand that the Vineyard was founded on (1.) Like values that we came to embrace...(2) Like priorities that we believed in....(3) and a like-minded theology that defined who we are. John Wimber, the man who brought the Vineyard to the forefront in the 70's, was not real concerned with the structure of a Vineyard as much as he was the life of the church. How the Vineyard looked was near as important as what the Vineyard believed.
There were some things, views and concepts that we all gravitated toward because we saw the value of believing in them. But the culture-current attitude toward the dress, the music, the organization of the church was left to the local group of believers. John wanted to create a church for the baby-boomers that spoke to them in a cultural way, without diluting the message of Christ. The gospel was not to be tampered with. As Wimber use to say..."The vehicle may change that delivers the message...but the message remains the same."
As a church, Vineyard ReCovery values the pursuit of God. Pursuit being the catch word. Relationship is something that is alive and active. It's not enough that we receive this incredible gift of salvation then sit down and wait for Jesus' return. There is a drawing that takes place in our hearts....a longing, if you will, to be with Him. Be with Him through the reading and studying of His word....
Be with Him in the interaction I have with others in my daily life, sharing my story of what Christ has done for me....By spending time in conversation with Him. At the same time, remembering that conversation is a two way event. So as much as I talk, I should also listen. Kind of a daily walking out of Step # 11.
So as you watch the video, you'll see that it looks kind of dated...it is.
You'll see the first steps from a church that was in search of life more that in search of structure. You'll see a church that never imagined it would become a world-wide community of like minded people whose desire to "Do the Stuff", as Wimber use to say, propelled them out into a culture who did not know Jesus.
So while I don't push the name VINEYARD like some believe I should. I do push Jesus who is the heart and soul of our church. I believe that we have the same call today, as a church, as when Jesus first spoke it in Matthew 11:5--"GO and tell John the things which you hear and see. The blind see and the lame walk. The lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear. The dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preached to them."
Lives changed by the empowering presence of God.
A presence that enables all who receive Him to be who He created them to be...
and to do what He has called them to do.
Now that's some good stuff right there!
God on you...
Monday, May 8, 2023
I think the one thing that absolutely drives me crazy is when I become dull to scripture.
By that, I mean you read a particular passage and the whole time you are reading, a voice in your head tells you, "Hey...you've read this before. Come to think of it, you've read it a gazillion times. There's nothing more there to glean from it."
You know....
Sometimes it isn't about gleaning anything as much as it is just hearing the words again for the first time. I know that last sentence didn't make sense but that is they way I feel. You hear Scripture again for the first time. Maybe you are in a different place emotionally and physically not to mention spiritually, than the last time you read it. Maybe life has dealt with you and you with life in such a manner that the words affect you or strike you in a way they couldn't have in the past.
It is important the we never become dull to the Word of God, but that we approach it daily with new eyes, new heart and an ever increasing desire to see it again for the first time. I came across such a passage like this today. As I read it I begin to see it with fresh eyes and it just became alive to me. The passage is Luke Chapter 4, verses 17-19
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
for he has appointed me to preach Good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released,
that the blind will see,
That the downtrodden will be freed from their oppressors,
and that the time of the Lord's favor has come.
What an incredible statement as Jesus read it from the book of Isaiah. Not only did he read it, but proclaimed himself to be this very one written about in Isaiah. Who would dare make such a statement except he who has been appointed to do so? Who would be appointed unless the appointment came with authority and power to back up the words of the reading?
Heaven had come down and invaded our time and space.
War had been declared on Satan and the Kingdom of God was being ushered in.
Give me strength today, Lord, to take care of this part of your kingdom you have entrusted to me. May I be found a good steward in your eyes and may I receive correction and discipline as a good son should. May I be very teachable in your affairs and wishes.
Come quickly Lord Jesus....
Friday, May 5, 2023

Ten words that have no hidden meaning.
Yet within these ten words is the mystery of mysteries.
Myth or truth?
Legend or fact?
You cannot deny the existence of this fact. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. In the vastness of space, as we know it, God selected and set aside our earth. He did so because of the importance it held to Him. Here on this terrestrial ball God revealed Himself to His creation, and now His creation seeks to disprove God's existence. No matter how low we sink in our humanity, the faithfulness of God is displayed for everyone who would see be able to comprehend the depth of God's love.
I think I'll leave it at that.
God on you......
Wednesday, May 3, 2023
I Corinthians 1:18
The message of the cross is foolish to those who are headed for destruction! But we who are being saved know it is the very POWER of God.
The cross of Christ has a message?
That horrible piece of wood that He was stretched out upon has something to say to you and me?
Yes, it does.
It tells me that one who was beyond innocent was nailed to it, and in the nailing, gave His life and every drop of blood in His body so that you and I would no longer live under the power of sin.
A power that rises up in the human heart and demands deeds and behaviors that run contrary to the will of God.
A power that destroy's families....
Destroy's lives.....
The killer of dreams....
And the slayer of hope....
This power manifests itself in numerous ways, but if you've been around me for any length of time, you'll know that addiction is the beast I want to see slain.
Even though this deadly power I write about has a name...sin, there is a power greater than all the sin in the world....past, present and future.
This power has a name....
And the name is JESUS!
Whatever your drug of choice is....
Prescription med's....
It doesn't matter....
All of the above is only evidence of sin in the heart....
With each time you use, you become more and more a slave to that sin/nature.
It tells you when to get up (if you go to bed at all)
It tells you where to go...
Where to get money if you don't have any...
It will demand and demand until you are totally used up...
Yet, Jesus is there....
To bring freedom and sweet release from this beast we call addiction.
Romans 10:8-10
In fact, it says, "The message is very close at hand. It is on your lips and in your heart." And that message is the very message about faith that we preach (Proclaim and testify to: If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the deah, you will be saved. For it is believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved."
As Larry Norman so correctly stated many years ago..."Why don't you check into Jesus...He's got the answers."
God on you...
Monday, May 1, 2023
"Not all people who sound religious are really godly. They may refer to me as "Lord" but they still won't enter the Kingdom of Heaven."
I like this verse. I hate this verse.
I like it for the reason that there is a part of me (a very sick part) that whispers in my ear and points fingers at others saying,"They are not really serious about following Jesus! They're just playing at it." Then there is another voice (it's kind of crowded in my head) that asks questions to me....."Are you sure that your not playing? Are you really sure? Are you even saved?" Amidst all the bantering going on in my mind, a third voice quietly assures me of my salvation and that I need only to listen to what He is saying. I tend to lean toward that third voice as I recognize it to be God speaking to me.
I guess the one thing that I've come to realize in my lifetime, is the extent of the deceitfulness of the human heart (not one of us is exempt from this) . It possesses a power to delude, distract and deceive a person into believing things that are totally off the scale of what really is true.
I think the most deceptive belief that some people have is that which deals with the state of their salvation.
There have been men who lay claim to a relationship with Jesus that have no evidence in their life at all of having been saved. They are full of religious "jargon" and catch phrases. They raise their hands during a worship service, singing of the wonders of Christ, yet all the while their lives are a testimony to the extent of how far a life can be dragged down into sin. If you try to talk with them about their behavior.....they become angry and accuse you of being legalistic and Phariseeical. Yet it is very evident that they truly do not know Jesus as Lord and Savior. As Jesus put it in Scripture, "They are white-washed tombs." Pretty on the outside....dead on the inside.
The one thing that scares me in all of this, is that the human heart possesses a power that is beyond the reasoning of any sane person. We, as a race or species...have the ability to stand in the face of God and say, "NO! Leave me alone." One of the things that I try to share with those who are still in active addiction is that if it were up to me, I'd love to have the power to change them and free them from their addiction. But such power does not lie within me. God alone possesses that power, and He will bring it to bear when a heart submits and opens to Him. That is why we teach that "you don't have a drug and alcohol problem. Drugs and alcohol are a symptom of something else that is wrong. You've got a living problem. It's called a broken relationship with Christ." Sin has separated us from the real source of life. Sin has created within me a tornado of toxic emotion that only fuels my desire to use."
And a depressing lie that tells me "I am what I am, I cannot change...I am hopeless" becomes the mantra I say over and over in my mind.
Only the Holy Spirit of God can break through such a stronghold and bring the healing light of restoration and forgiveness that can set us on a right course.
John 15:5 and 7
"Yes, I am the vine, you are the branches." Understanding who God is, and the incredible gift He is offering me through salvation, keeps me focused on my place in this new found relationship with Him. A chance to grow........a chance to change......a chance at a real future.
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