Sunday, August 16, 2009

Good Day Today

Matthew 13:45-46 - Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls, and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had, and bought it.

There are a million different explanations that people give for this verse. Some try to spiritualize it and make it out to be a metaphor for following Jesus. They reason that you only have to mentally surrender everything you are and have in your mind and that by doing so, you are free to follow Jesus but still keep "your stuff." I don't know that I see it this way. I think pretty much what you see and read is what you get. Simply put, it costs everything to follow Jesus. Your family, your possessions, your job, your future.....everything. How could anyone ever hope to be willing to take on such a task? well, the answer is found in the verses we read. We must realize the value of what we have found........the kingdom of heaven. We must weigh this against our life and situation, coming to the knowledge that the things of God totally outweigh the things of this world and of my life.

It isn't an easy thing to do and I believe because of this, that is why so many are either falling away or not trying. They cannot see the value of the kingdom of heaven. The value of life with Christ. In other words, hearts are still in love with the things of the world. We cannot love God and world at the same time. I know this all too well as my old nature truly wants to have the old life I use to have. Truth of the matter is, I don't really want that life....but the temptation and thought to return to it visits me from time to time.

I pray that my heart only intensifies in love for the kingdom of God and for his son, Jesus. As each day passes and I get a little older, I find less of this world that draws my attention. I don't know how to explain it. Maybe it's the Spirit of God at work in me changing me and my outlook. I find myself spending more and more time in the Bible. Not because I have to, but because I want to. Hear me! This is not a blog to promote me or my lifestyle. I can only speak from what I know and what I know is what takes place around me and in me. I can walk through Wal-mart and look at magazine and books and think to myself, "I would like to buy this and take it home to read it." That thought is followed by, "No you wouldn''re studying Hebrews. Wouldn't you like to find out what comes next?"

I am longing to see more of God in our meetings on Saturday night and I know, as spiritual authority at Rapha, that will happen as I surrender more and chase God. That is what I am striving for. Like the apostle Paul, who I never claim to be like, I want to forget the past. Put the past behind me and strain forward to lay hold of that which has lain hold of me.
I want to see the pearl of great price and sell everything to possess it. Only by your will and your spirit, God. Help me!

Sell everything you own and buy this pearl.

God on you...


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