Monday, August 3, 2009

Taking Stock

Monday again.
Seems as thought they roll around too often and too quick.
Here we are going into August and it only seems like New Years Day was only a couple of weeks ago. I don't think time really flies just my perception of it. Last time I checked there was still 24 hours in a day and those hours were still made up of 60 minutes.
We baptized two on Saturday. I've said it before and I'll continue to say it. The two biggest thrills I get in life are seeing someone come to a saving knowledge of Christ and then be baptized. I can't imagine what it must have been like to have been John the Baptizer, standing in the Jordan day after day as an endless line of people came to be baptized.

Not sure what the week has in store.
I guess I'll just leave that up to God and try and follow where he is leading.
We have a good number of new men here in the camp so that means a lot of time talking. Trying to get an understanding of what is going on in their lives. Lot of prayer over each man that God would draw them from the blindness and spiritual darkness they have been living in and begin to speak to their hearts, minds and spirits.

I am on the upside of this crud (for those who may not be familiar with the term 'crud', it is any this case it is an upper respiratory infection). Feel really good during the day time but the night time comes and I am hammered down. Hard for me to sleep, so I spend time in my chair in the living room watching infomercials about "shamwow's" and "colon cleansing". Television just doesn't get any better than this.

In all of this that I have shared there is one inescapable truth.
God is still God.
God is still in control.
His word is still "yes and amen."

Romans 1:16
For I am not ashamed of the Gospel (Good news) of Christ, for it is God's power working unto salvation (for deliverance from eternal death) to everyone who believes with a personal trust and a confident surrender and firm reliance to the Jew first and also the Greek.

May you find Him today....
God on you........

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