Sunday, August 2, 2009

Ramblings On A Rainy Day

During my study this morning, I was in Lamentations. Jeremiah wrote this book after the fall and destruction of Jerusalem and it is a very mournful, tear filled account of the pain Jeremiah felt as he wandered the streets. Such a wonderful and beautiful city did not have to come to this but because of the people's pride and rebellion against God, He brought judgment down on them.

God had warned them repeatedly to turn from their sin, but His word fell on deaf ears and hard hearts. This lead me to begin looking at the state of our country and the church today. The very last thing I want to do is cast dispersion or lump into one group . There are those churches and people who do hold fast to the word of God in their life. I fear that these are the minority.
We have lost our moral fiber and desire for God. Self has become the monument erected to the good name of humanity. We almost have a "Bable" mentality. Genesis 11:4......Let us make a name for ourselves.
On the surface it sounds good but behind the words is a heart of pride that seeks to exalt itself over the Lord God. They were seeking to build up and reach God in their own efforts and strength.

Today people are doing the same thing only God is not in the picture anymore. We have fallen totally under the belief found in Genesis 3 that was spoken by the serpent.
The great lie of Genesis 3:5 - For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God knowing the difference between good and evil and blessing and calamity.

We have pushed God aside. We are gods in our day and time. We are a force to be reckoned with. Oh we give the obligatory mention of being a Christian, but only when it benefits us.We actually seek to create God in our image rather than be conformed to His.
Today's pulpit if for personality not power and purity. Sound mad? Maybe I am. But I want to be careful lest I find myself becoming a Pharisee. There is a fine line between speaking the truth of God and judging by the flesh.

Now is the day...
Now is the time to repent and turn to God.
The Federal Government isn't going to save you.
The wisdom of the age is not going to bring you comfort.
That comes only from the one who created you.....The Lord God himself.
God on you..

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