Tuesday, August 11, 2009


How many times have I read the words? A gazillion.
How many times have I skipped over them without much thought? A bazillion.
"what words," you may be asking.

Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created.............
Just that little word "created". To understand what is wrapped up in that is more than my mind can grasp.
The idea that God, first of all, was before time is pretty good one to wrestle with. What went on? What did He do? Where was He? But when the first second of the first day of the first moment of creation took place, there was God and He had a plan.
To have a plan means that God possesses logical, orderly thought process. I'm not trying to give God human characteristics, but our way of thinking sprang from His way of processing and thinking. I am well aware that Scripture says that His thoughts are higher than mine. That is a really nice and sweet way of God saying, "Hey boys.....don't even try to understand some things. That is why I gave you faith."

Looking at the colors in a sunrise takes my breath sometimes.
Feeling my grand daughter's little arms around my neck fills me with love.
Seeing the dog collar my dog wore before she died fills me with sadness.
Seeing my wife's face first thing in the morning fills me with peace and comfort.
All of these things are a part of God's creation.
To fathom the depths of His love for this creation is beyond my comprehension.
Yet I know His love is a part of it all.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
In this creation, we can look around and see the destruction that sin has brought to it.
But I am comforted to know that God's plan is to restore this entire world back to the way it was originally intended to be.
Today, I want to simply find comfort that God's plan has not been thwarted or stopped.
That no matter how much darkness I see......
No matter if it 'feels' like darkness is winning......
God is in control.
I find much peace in this thought.

God on you.......

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