Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Jesus Said, "GO"! - by Jackie Pullinger{What will you do??]

The call to follow Jesus is a call of great distance.

Oh it's not measured in mile or days. In weeks or years. It is measured by the death of one life being born into a new one. Theses two lives, one of Spirit and one of flesh, can never coexist together.

We are called to abandon everything. In our modern day, we seek to redefine what Jesus meant when He said "everything." Surely He did not actually mean everything did He? I think He did. I think anything I seek to hold on too from my past life, whether it be a physical tangible object or an idea or concept, keeps me from actually following. To surrender. To die. To be born again and simply follow. Follow where? Where ever Jesus bids you to go. I know it sounds to vague..to unknown, but it is in the simple act of taking Jesus by the hand and say, "Yes Lord! that we find the true freedom our hearts have longed for. Freedom to move and speak without fear. Freedom to live and embrace the will of God. How crazy is this thought? For most, we are content to sit in pews and pay others to go for Jesus. We will give our money....
We will give our support.....
We will give our prayers.....but we with hold the very thing God wants........ourselves.......our bodies and minds and spirits and heart and yes, even our "not knowing" what to do next. It is from this place that Jesus casts us out to the sea and says, "Go to the deep water and let down your nets for a catch."

My response.......?

"Yes Lord!"

God on you....


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