Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Drinking The Snake Oil Of Deception

In the early days of this nation, you had peddlers going around selling all manner of concoctions that cured everything from lumbago to warts. Usually referred to as "snake oil" salesmen, they promised the moon but delivered little. Gullible folks would shell out their hard earned cash in order to find out for themselves whether this miracle cure worked or not. Trouble was that by the time they came to the understanding that they had been "had", the salesmen, along with the money, was long gone. Moved on to a new town and a new crop of rubes to be fleeced.

People in addiction or like those rubes mentioned above.
The nature of addiction sets them up so that they look for the easier, softer way. In other words, they don't want to follow the path to sobriety like it is laid out. Why? Because they are smarter, they can find a shortcut that will give them the same results. They are looking for the "Snake Oil" of recovery.

I like the way the Message Bible states such behavior in Matthew 7:13 - 14
Don't look for shortcuts to God. The market is flooded with surefire , easygoing formulas for a successful life that can be practiced in your spare time. Don't fall for that stuff, even though crowds of people do. The to life---To God, is vigorous and requires total attention. The snake oil sellers are still out there, only they are peddling a new type of oil. One that promises the moon but delivers little.  Isn't it funny that the greatest and most cunning seller of snake oil is found in our minds. It twists our thinking and creates what I refer to a
Addict-a-logic. To put it plainly, that is the state of reasoning when under the influence of the addiction that seeks to keep us in its grip. What sounds insane to someone who isn't addicted, is perfectly logical to the an addict. That is why they are so susceptible to the lures of their own thoughts and illogical reasoning. Such reasoning tells them:
"Meetings? I'm not going to go to any meetings. What good would they do me?"
"Sponsor? You mean I need to call someone when I'm having a craving?"
"No way am I doing a 4th and 5th step. I'm not laying out my business to another person."

Such thinking guts the very heart of the recovery process, and keeps the individual bound up with the fears and guilt and shame that is a result of their past. But such people will gladly drink the snake oil of addict-a-logic. Twelve simple steps that lead to freedom and a new life await you, when you're tired of drinking the snake oil. Twelve simple steps that will lead you to the cross of Christ, and there you will find healing for your body and rest for your soul.
Sounds to simple doesn't it?

God on you....

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