Thursday, July 10, 2008

Do Not Turn Your Face From Us O' Lord!

May I not bring shame to your Holy Name, Father.
May you not turn your face from me due to unconfessed sin or iniquity.
May I not forget the price you paid to ransom me from the fires of Hell.
May I not forget the call that comes to every believer who embraces the life of following Jesus.
May I not become cold or uncompassionate to those around me, but let me have the heart of Christ.
May I not let my heart grow cold or my ears dull that I cannot hear or feel your presence.
May my love be pure and found in you rather than the things of this world.
May my eyes see a higher vision that what the world offers. May I see the portals of heaven.
May I not become so proud that I cannot help my brother or sister in need.
May what I have become theirs if need dictates it.
May I not take for granted my next breath or my next heart beat but be thankful for all my days.
May I not forget to love as you love, O' Lord.
May I never lose sight of your face.
May I glory in the cross of Christ.
May I weigh my life like the apostle Paul and count it all dung compared to the surpassing knowledge of knowing you, Jesus.
Thank you for this day....

1 comment:

Bobby said...

That sounds like serious Christianity! Jesus please wake us up!


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