Last night I had the most unusual dream I have ever had. It was a dream of a voice. No pictures, no visions, no images. Just a voice. It was very clear in what was said.
"I am the King........you are MEL."
The voice was addressing me.
The voice referred to himself as the KING (Please, no Elvis puns).
And decreed that I was MEL.
Problem was that I knew that He was not talking to just to me, but to the body of Christ at large.
I didn't see this in the dream, but I knew and was aware that I was surrounded by others and that we were dressed in chain mail armour with white tunics which bore a red cross. It was like what you see of the armies who went off to the Crusades. Like I said, I did not see this, I just knew it. Once again the voice spoke.
"I am the King.........you are MEL."
When I woke up, the phrase was still with me. "I am the King.......you are MEL."
I had no clue as to who or what MEL was. Mel Gibson? No, that's not right.
I went to my computer and did a word search for the name MEL.
It came up as Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory.
Here was the kicker. M.E.L. is defined or described as "An agent of change in a rapid paced world, setting the standards of measurement." Why would you need change in a world that is changing? What is an agent?
An agent is something that is introduced to bring about a predetermined effect.
I think we are being told that we, believer's / body of Christ, have been commissioned to do this. We are to be agents of change. We do not have the luxury of sitting by but are being introduced into the world to create a desired effect.
This is more than winning souls.
This is about making disciples.
Society has gone over the edge of moral decay.
There are those who work to change the laws in order to affect society in a political or economic way.
We have been called to take seriously Jesus' command to make disciples, not just win souls.
when you make disciples, you change the standard of measurement in that life as well as the environment around that person as the Holy Spirit is introduced.
In the Old testament, The Levites camped around the Tabernacle to protect the people from God.
We are called to camp at the gates of Hell to keep hell from destroying the people. If MEL sets the standards of measurement for the World and we have been designated as MEL then it makes sense when we read, "When the enemy comes in.............like a flood the Lord will raise up a standard."
Christ in us is the standard that is set before the world.
The world is without excuse if we will be who Christ calls us to be.
Be Salt.
Be Light.
Be the fragrance of Jesus in world that carries with it the stench of death.
God on you......