Evan Roberts.....Used by God during the Welsh Revival of 1904.
He was referred to as the "silent" prophet.
He was referred to as the "silent" prophet.
Roberts preaching style was unheard of for that day.
He would sit quietly during the service and would not stand to preach until the Holy Spirit had given him something to say.
I fear that I have too much to say that is from me and not enough that comes directly from the Holy Spirit. I truly want to follow this way of waiting. Yes, it is uncomfortable and hard because we feel as though each moment of a meeting should be filled up with noise and sound. To sit quietly disturbs our inner man and makes us uncomfortable. Maybe we need to be uncomfortable and in that state, seek out the voice of God that He might speak over us and reveal our hearts.
Evan Roberts knew all too well the shortcomings he possessed to even be a preacher, but he also knew that God had placed the Holy Spirit in him and that he burned to do whatever God showed him must be done.
Evan's message was a very simple one.
1.) If there is sin or sins in the past not confessed, we cannot have the Spirit. Therefore we must search and ask the Spirit to search us.
2.)If there is something doubtful in our life, it must be removed.
3.) Total surrender to the Spirit. We must do and say all He asks us to do.
4.)You must confess Christ publicly.
From these 4 simple things, the Holy Spirit of God fell on a man and then on a nation.
It changed the face of Christianity as was known during those days.
We are in such need of a revival now in our country and in our lives.
No one has the right to point beyond themselves and say, "They are truly in need of revival." No! Each of us have become dry tinder in the hands of God. Yet here in our dryness, we become perfect kindling for God to ignite with His Spirit. Fire! Come and consume us for our God is a consuming fire.
Set us on fire for you, Lord!
God on you today....
Stay warm and enjoy the snow.
Stay warm and enjoy the snow.
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