Psalm 107:43
Those who are wise will take all this to heart. They will see in our history the faithful love of the Lord.
Lives today are so rushed and self-centered that many never stop to take stock of the journey they have been on, or think of the people they may have come in contact with and the impact they may have had on their lives. Yet, in the scripture from Psalm, we read that our history, our journey will reveal a lot about what we believed and who we believed. King David wrote that those who take the word of God to heart will see the love of God woven all throughout the history of Israel. In the good times as well as the bad, God was there. The people may have thought that God had deserted them, but the truth was he had not.
So what do people come away with when they look at your story or your "history?" Do they see the faithful love of God in every day and event that you have faced? Do they see the promises and protection that God may have extended to you when you were going through trials and tribulations? Or do they see you making decisions and carrying them out in your own strength, ignorant of God and his desire to guide you. Our past speaks volumes and reveals where our allegiance lies. I love what the apostle Paul writes in II Timothy 1:12 ----And this is why I am suffering here in prison. But I am not ashamed of it, for I know whom I have believed, and I am sure that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until the day of his return. Did you catch that? Paul said that he knew "Who" he believed in and relied upon................he didn't write, "I know WHAT I have believed."
Our history, our journey through this life should reflect the love of God as we grow in him daily. How is His love reflected? Through my interaction with others and the way I treat them. God loves me so I can love others. Not the syrupy, mushy, goofy kind of love the world has to offer, but real, dynamic AGAPE-unconditional love that covers a multitude of sins (At least that is what the Bible says). God-love that changes my corner of this planet one heart at a time.
That is what life is all about. Letting people see and read your history so that they can see the faithful love of God. Remember.............your life may be the only Bible that others may see.
God on you......
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