Monday, April 26, 2010


Thank you for.......Stopping by here to read.
I trust that God placed within your soul and heart something that would
stir you to new levels with Him.
Whether you have been a believer for a long time....
you are simply a "babe" in this relationship with God
You haven't ever heard of Jesus and what is this "born again" stuff all about.
(Check out the book of John / Chapter 3)
Thank you for stopping by.
Thank you for.......making a decision to not remain in the place you currently are.
That you are not going to allow depression to rob you of the joy God has for
you today.
It's so easy to bandy about religious terms and phrases that really do not have
relevance to the struggles we face each day.
It is better and has the best consequences to simply fall into the grace of God knowing that you are
powerless to control or change.
That you simply surrender to God's will and grace and walk, one step at a time,
this daily life He has given to each of us.
Thank you for.......praying for someone else today.
Knowing that the greatest gift that has been given to us (hanging with God in this day) is to be shared and given away with someone else.
How cool is that?
What has been given to you is be shared with someone else who is probably
not aware of God at this very moment in time.
You get to introduce Him to them and
Them to Him.
Thank you for allowing the Holy Spirit to work in you today.
You may not be aware of such things going on in you.
That's o.k.
It's the faith thing at work.
God is, indeed, working his will in me and through me
for His kingdom.
To all my spiritual family.....
Let God's Kingdom come....
Let God's will be done....
on earth....
As it is....
Start with us Lord!
God on you.....


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this awesome post.

Greene Street Letters said...

Thank you for stopping and reading the Greene Street Letters. I am not the most polished of writers and am not very eloquent, but I do want to simply write honestly from what is going on in my own heart. Sometimes "Christianity or church-anity" wants us to put up these false fronts and not show any of what is really going on inside ourself. I believe that a little honesty would unlock the doors for others to speak up and bring about healing.
Thanks again...


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