Thursday, January 6, 2011

Between A Rock And A Hard Place

Genesis 12:8
And he moved from there to the  mountain east of Bethel, and he pitched his tent with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east. There he built an altar to the LORD and called on the name of the LORD.

Bethel on the west.....
and Ai on the east.....
Bethel, which means the house of God.
Ai which means ruin.
Here was Abram in the middle.
In symbolic terms you could say he was between heaven and hell.
Here on earth, walking out his days yet with a heart that longed for that communion with God.
Stuck in this in between place, Abram built an altar and worshipped.
He called on the name of the LORD.

Seems like today that we only call on the name of the Lord when we get in trouble, or we need something.
If I have learned anything from the Vineyard Church is that God is worthy of worship no matter what my lot in life. No matter what my situation or circumstance I find myself in, my heart will worship Him.

On the worst day of his life.....
loosing all his material possessions....
losing his children...
Job, when told of the news of this destruction, tore his robe and shaved his head and fell to the ground and worshiped (Job 1:20).
He worshiped.
He turned his attention to God, even though he may have had a million questions as to the "why" of this event.
He worshiped.

He focused on who God is and in verse 21, the very last words of Job's worship is "Blessed be the name of the LORD."
How could anyone do this?
They have the Grace of God on them.
Grace is not the meal time prayer.
Grace is the empowering presence of God in my life that enables me to be who I was created to be and do what I was created to do.
Grace is the sufficiency of Christ given to each believer.
Grace sees me through this day.
The Holy Spirit shows me the way.....
Grace gives me the strength and power to carry out what God directs me to....

Today...take some time and worship God.
Offer to him praise for what He has done in your life.
Develop the attitude of gratitude today....

God on you.....


Bobby said...

Thanks for the stop and worship.

Greene Street Letters said...

I, personally, don't know if we truly understand what it means to worship God. If you mention today, most everyone associates music and a worship team. Is that worship? I think it involves worship but I don't know if maybe the purest form of worship happens when it is spontaneous outpouring from the heart. Words and prayer and focus all given to God.
Sometimes what I perceive to be as worship happens at the stranges times an places. I have been driving and my thoughts are on God when suddenly I am filled with tears and I begin to just thank Him and ask blessing on His recognize his power and authority and majesty.
Suddenly I am in touch with my humaness in the face of God's divinity. I worship.


Listening to Keith Green this morning as he sings "How Majestic Is Your Name". I had to  ask myself, "Do I truly unerstnd the...