Monday, June 18, 2012

BB Guns And Hanging WIth Jesus

BB Guns?
What do BB guns have to do with anything? Well, yesterday was father's day and I knew the family would be coming over for dinner. Chad, Robin and the grand kids, Ashley and Tyler. I had been mulling the idea over for a time about doing something a little different. Something that the kids would enjoy doing. My two grand kids are outdoor fanatics. They'd rather be riding their bikes or playing ball than sitting inside on a video game (not that they don't like video games, but such are usually reserved for night time or rainy days.)
So off to Wal Mart I go to see what I could come up with. There it was among all the bangles and baubles that lined the shelves. A Daisy air rifle....Not just any Daisy air rifle, but a RED RYDER 1000 shot, lever action Carbine. O.k. I confess, this might be more for me than them, but as a grandfather, I knew that they would love it. I pulled one off the shelf and made my way to the check out.

By the time the family had arrived, I had set up a target for our afternoon shoot out. My assumption about the kids loving it was right. Tyler more than Ashley, as she only shot a couple of times and then turned her attention to her scooter and hula hoop. Tyler was hooked. I showed him how to to to sight the target. He was totally into it.  It was just him and me talking, laughing, encouraging each other to get better. During that entire time, I thought to myself, "I wonder if this is how God feels when we want to hang out with Him? " Now, I'm not trying to put human feelings or agenda's on God...He is above that. But I do think that my view of Him is off center sometimes.

I like the story in Matthew 19, where people bring their children to Jesus just to be touched and prayed over. It doesn't say anything about them the kids being sick or demonized. It doesn't mention anything about anyone being crippled or maimed. No epilepsy or incurable disease. It just says they wanted Jesus to touch them and pray over them. There wasn't any teaching or sermons being given by Jesus. I think sometimes when we read such passages, we tend to skip over the simple idea that Jesus liked being with His creation. Sure His heart broke when He saw them in distress or in hard places, and in such instances, He stayed to the very end healing all who came to Him. But I do believe there were times when there was just simple, physical interaction between Jesus and people. Time where Jesus would ask questions from those around Him. Maybe even times where laughter and joy were in great supply. The idea that God would enjoy my company isn't something I think about often, and I do believe that I may need to think about it more. I'm of the mindset that I have to be "doing" for God. Instead, I need to "BE" for God. Becoming the man He created me to be. Allowing Him to change my character into one that is more like Him. Getting His perspective on life and how to live it here in this fallen world.

So as the shadows grew longer in the backyard and we were finishing up our great BB gun experiment, as we were walking back to the house, Tyler looked up at me and said, "Poppa...this was the best day ever. Happy Father's Day!" It was one of those "Blessing" moments that money can't buy. I think maybe I felt what Father God feels when we tell Him........."Abba....This was the best day ever!"

God on you....

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