Saturday, June 9, 2012

Changing Horses In The MIddle Of The Stream Isn't Always Bad

Psalm 84:10
Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than dwell in the tents of the wicked.

Funny thing I have noticed about life. As you grow, develop a value system. You place a value on the things that are important to you. You value those around you whom you most love. You place a value on your time and what you do with it. We all have a value system. I've heard it said that if you took a person's check register or credit card statement, you could tell where their heart lies, or what is important to them.

As people in recovery, we are in the process of changing value systems. No two belief systems, or world views, could be farther apart than these two.
One seeks to feed our sinful desires and wants and cravings....the other seeks to please God.
One lusts for the temporary, while the other has found an eternal satisfaction.
One value system exists in chaos and anxiety....the other in quiet peace no matter what the circumstance or situation is that surrounds it.

For me, I find tremendous pleasure in reading the Bible. Not in my old value system. In that one, the Bible was nothing more than a book to carry around to make people think I was spiritual. How sad was that? Now I read all the time. What time I'm not reading, I am listening to a teaching on my mp3 players. I get really tickled when someone asks, "Hey--what song are you listening to?" I'll reply....."Oh, it's Carter Conlon, or J. Vernon McGee or maybe Ronald L. Dart." Their brow will furrow with a look of puzzlement and reply..."I'm not familiar with their music. In my old value system, such things as Bible study and teachings from other men were not important.

The idea of sustaining your recovery becomes a part of your new value system as you enter into a relationship with Jesus. It isn't about staying free from using, it becomes more about simply living. Life takes on new values. Family and friends become the commodity of love as you seek to do for them, not because you have to, but because you want to.

When faced with the riches and pleasures of the world, the Psalmist in Psalm 84 wrote that he'd rather be a doorkeeper in the house of the Lord. He'd rather be the one who stands just inside the door, never mind sitting on the front row. His value system had changed and he simply wanted to be in the presence of God. There is an old song that reflects this idea.

I'd rather have Jesus than silver or gold
I'd rather be his than have riches untold.
I'd rather have Jesus than houses or land
I'd rather be led by his nail pierced hands.
Than to be the king of a vast domain
or be held in sins dread sway
I'd rather have Jesus than anything
this world affords today.

God on you......

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