"How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations! For you have said in your heart, ' I WILL ascend into heaven. I WILL exalt my throne above the stars of God. I WILL sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north. I WILL ascend above the heights of the cloud. I WILL be like the Most High.' " Isaiah 14:12-14
Well, I will say that we are a selfish bunch, and that we come by it naturally. Or should I say "unnaturally." Here in the verses of Isaiah, we see the very heart of the Devil. We see his agenda that was born in his heart that caused him to be cast out of heaven by God. He allowed a selfish nature to rise above the call God had created for him, and rather than submit, the Devil acted on the thoughts and feelings that rose up. It was what you and I would call "SELFISHNESS." I like to think of it as the Devil had an "I" problem. He couldn't see anything but himself. This is the very heart of addiction.....a life steeped in selfishness.
From time to time, in class I will ask, "Why did you keep using even though you knew the outcome was going to be bad?" I will get different answers such as......."I couldn't stop"......or "I was too far gone in my addiction".............I've even got "I was more afraid of detoxing that the consequences of my using." But the one that, to me, reveals the very darkness of what I'm writing about this morning, is when someone will say....."I like the way it made me feel." Sounds like a simple answer but the truth it uncovers is at the very heart of our sin nature.
Think about that statement.
"I like the way it makes me feel."
Never mind that I have destroyed my family through my using.....
"I like the way it makes me feel."
Never mind that my family has spent a fortune on bailing me out of jail and paying legal fees....
"I like the way it makes me feel."
Never mind that my entire family has put their lives on hold to deal with me and addiction......
"I like the way it makes me feel."
This is the very heart of selfishness.
A heart that exists in this condition is far removed from God.
In fact, such a heart has become god. It demands certain things and the body responds. We become "god" in our own existence.
In the Isaiah passage, the Devil allows his own selfish nature to take over and driven by it seeks to overthrow God and His rule. Sitting on this side of the story we can see the folly and stupidity in such thinking, yet this kind of reasoning was what was brought to the woman and man in the garden of Eden.
Genesis 3:3
For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God......
No longer will I have to look outside myself for answers or direction. I am now like God! If I am like God....I have no need for God. I have become self-centered. As I operate from this position, all my thoughts.........all my desires........all my wants and needs are focused on self. I become selfish. Prime real estate for an addiction to be birthed.
What happens when you run into something that you can't handle? Your selfishness drives you to escape by any means.........in other words.....we begin to use again.
What happens when you are stumped by situations that you find yourself facing? Your selfishness drives you to escape by any means.........we turn to using.
We behave this way so frequently that we have created a pattern of behavior that becomes the channel through which we operate every time something hard or bad comes along.
God's infinite love draws me away from looking at myself. If I remained focused on myself, I will not find any answers or solutions..........I am the problem. When my attention is focused on God, He begins to work on me, changing me and my selfishness. He turns me outward in order that I may help others.
By helping others........
By taking the message of redemption and restoration to others.....
I am actually saving myself along the way. I become the beneficiary of God's goodness when I stop focusing on myself and look to Him.
Fall in love with Jesus today.
Sounds strange...but it is so simple.
God on you....
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